Apparently as a healer with new MMR rules I have to win 15 times to offset one loss

going 3-3 is a tie. So it shouldn’t effect either for a start.

How do people still not get how the arena mmr/point system works.

Stop focusing on your CR or even the lobby mmr (or other healer mmr in the case of healers)

Your point gain is entirely dependent on your personal MMR relative to your personal rating. If you go 5-1 and gain 0 points it’s because your MMR is currently below your rating, It wasn’t a worthless win tho, you gained MMR.

If you get qued into a low mmr lobby but your MMR is still above your rating you’ll still gain points, even for a 3-3 in some cases, however you’ll lose considerably more MMR for each of your losses compared to losses in equal or higher mmr games.

If you go 3-3 and lose points, it’s because your MMR is below your current rating. The only thing lobby MMR matters for is how much MMR you gain/lose for your wins/losses. Focus on your MMR and not your CR and it all starts to make sense.

If you want rating, win streak, The higher your mmr sits above your actual rating the more points you get and more likely you are to get points even on 2-4s

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Well for one is that it is not explained in the game. At all. And it’s a hidden system so until you’ve read the 5000 word essay on how it works you have no idea why your CR (the thing that actually matters to most players) is doing what it is doing.

Not to mention is that it is entirely stupid to have a rating system based primarily on win streaks in a game mode that doesn’t let you control comp or be selective about team mates.

So where do you find your personal MMR when you are waiting for a game? I can see my CR just fine, but not my MMR.

I’ve already explained why I think this is a stupid concept in SS. It’s fine for LFG, where you can control your comp and have set strategies game after game, and are probably communicating with team mates while it’s happening.

It makes no sense in a game mode that doesn’t involve any of that. That by definition cannot have that.

Yep, tonight I was at 1643 lost 1 game went 1/6 and been on this massive down swing… Down to 1146! Every 3/3 games I lost minimum 43 points. It’s ok tho I went 3/3 the next game lost 43 points then went 2/6 lost 65 point mean while the dps that won a single game gained 35 points.

Not sure I want to even bother with this anymore. And as it’s mainly the content I want to play I might just unsub if something doesn’t change for healers. This isn’t a player problem its clearly a system problem or there wouldn’t be this many healers in a uproar about what is happening.


WOW, there are some absolutely fried brains in here.

If you get put with a 800 MMR group ANYTHING can happen as a healer. Many deaths can be completely out of your control.

Actually this is flat out true for 1800+ MMR match ups

So to tell any healer that they just need to win more when every game is a role of the dice is absolutely comical.

Look at this game I lost

You going to tell me this was my fault?

You gonna tell me that the win had anything to do with the enemy healer?

No realistically this game mode is a DPS mode since there is absolutely no coordination.

Just fix the MMR/CR Gain


Yep. Because too many PvP bros can’t think past “Blame the healer” so they absolutely will.


I am not disagreeing with you. Just telling you why (you get 2 points for a 4-2 and -40 for a 2-4). They 100% need to fix rating gains for healers.

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Just now, we met a group in 2v2, we lost them first round, i lost about 14 in rating. then we queued again, which is exactly same people/group. we won this time, i gain 9 rating.

Same people, same team, 1:1, I lost rating. The other group was the same. What is the logic of this? shouldn’t it be no rating change for both sides?

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I love random anecdotes like this as if its the norm. I can do the same thing in reverse.

2100 rating, go 1-5 in lobby, gain 2 pts any way, CURSE YOU MMR! I WAS SUPPOSED TO LOSE POINTS CAUSE ITS A NEGATIVE RATIO!

Nevermind all the people who have shown on the forums this exact thing happening to them over the last few months… nah its all just anecdotal.

Op doesn’t understand MMR. Can we move to the next thread now

I am completely average at arena healing and I’m trying my hardest to hit 1800 for mog closest is like 1620 but I keep losing 100 rating in 2 hours.

I think my win rate is like 52% I hate pvp healing so much it’s so annoying to suffer through dampening and endless cc chains. What’s interesting about not being able to play for extended periods of time then get told I’m a shot healer for not positioning better. Am I shot? Probably but it’s a bit hard to pillar hump when I keep getting LOS or attacked anyway.

The healer incentives are garbage I get conquest and honour quick enough anyway., what also sucks is how often I’m put into American latency despite playing at my regions peak time. I hate this form of pvp but I don’t have any friends so I try to do it. I think once I get the mount despite how much I want the mog im going to quit pvp it just infuriates me to much. Pvp needs a fundamental change. I can’t see any healer but the s tier enjoying it.

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If you’re not gaining on a win, it’s because your own mmr is far below your cr. Opponent mmr seems to have a negligible, single digit impact outside of matching

That’s not the only way to not gain anything. If the average MMR of the lobby is much lower than yours, you don’t get any MMR and it’s possible for healers to get stuck in such a lobby because of how few healers are queueing and the queue isn’t waiting 1 hour to find another high rated healer if there isn’t one queued, they just throw you in against a low rated healer which significantly lowers the average MMR.
There are plenty of screenshots showing that’s the case.


I guess we’re just playing different games, because outside of placement, I’ve never lost more than 10 mmr on anything 3-3 or better

What do you play on retail? I’ve never played hpal before last week and got to 1800 in 18 games with a 55% win rate, and there are people who are much better than me that have done it in far fewer games. Are we just lucky?

lmao man what in the 1200exp is this take

You are lucky, i can’t past the 1000 as a Hpriest and i hate to play disci so i can’t perform well with the later.

CC chains is a plague, especially against rogue and druid who can do it too easily.

I wanted the mog but it’s impossible for me after what they have done to the SP, i can’t even grind the mount now as a healer!
It’s simply not fun.

If you go on a win streak, doesn’t that mean your MMR was incorrect and too low?

Or do people out of the blue suddenly start playing markedly better than their MMR in a bunch of games in a row? That would be kinda suspicious.

Win streaking tells the game you’re better than where you currently are at so it pumps you up fast. If you’re not win streaking you’re probably where you should be. Mind you, you don’t have chain 6-0s to climb.

Anyone can tank below where they should be, especially in solo shuffle, for many different reasons.

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its been discussed many times on the forum and the consensus you will get is that its working as intended.

RSS will die off by mid/end of season when no healers are left qing