Apparently as a healer with new MMR rules I have to win 15 times to offset one loss

Would love a reflex of your match history to see how this would happen

This is probably a tough pill to swallow, but going 1-5 as a healer is not a teammate issue, since the other healer also played with the same teammates.

Should the system not have been opened up to wider mmr ranges? That’s probably fair. It isn’t fun for the dps to get a healer 500mmr below the lobby, and it isn’t fun for a healer to be in a lobby 500mmr below their level.

However, are you still in the cr/mmr range where your priority should be improving your own gameplay and not focusing on your teammates? Absolutely.

Please remember: this is a ranked ladder. People seem to be forgetting that if you are consistently losing, you are not as high as you think you are. If you are tying consistently, you’re right where you should be at your current skill level. If you are winning consistently, you will climb very quickly until you begin tying or losing. You are not entitled to climb just by playing, you need to improve first and then climbing will happen because of that.


I started healing rss because waiting for long ques are lame.
I barely like arena anyway but its the only content really right now since other forms of pvp are kinda dead.
Healing sucks, especially in rss.
The system is just bad for healers. It doesn’t feel rewarding when you win, and when you lose it makes you feel terrible with how much progress you lose.

I was in a match yesterday and I was being trained by 2 melee. I had a hunter stand right next to me and take massive dmg with me. Next round I ask him to not stack on me while I’m being trained. That’s not mean right? After match I get loads of tells telling me how trash I am from the hunter as if I insulted him somehow. I went 2/4 that round and lost around 50 rating.


i really just wish rating gains and losses were the same amount regardless of the other healer rating. if i go 4/2 i should get 20. if i go 2/4 i should lose 20.

i understand the system in place but it is not a fun system in the slightest. i dont give two hoots about glad player alts.

the rating for healers has just killed all my hype for RSS. i dont even like healing pvp but im not interested in 30 plus minute queue times.

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What math is this?

You count an entire match as one loss, while counting each round for the wins?

You lost 7 times, and won 5 in that example. You should still be down rating.

Go 4-2 again and it’s 9-9 and you’ll be about even.
Go 4-2 a third time and it will be 11 losses and 13 wins, you should be up some now relative to the day before.

This is a season, not a single match or even a single day.


I know im not that great at pvp healing.

In LFG in past expansions ive been able to hit 1600 without too much trouble. 1800 was a slog (boosters didnt make that climb easy but im not going to pretend it wasnt a skill issue too).

My complaint is about the disparity in rating rewarded for a win vs a loss.

The disparity only exists because of your overall negative record. You’ve got a 44% win rate so your mmr is always at or below your CR, meaning if you lose, you’ll lose points.

The only way to correct that disparity is to have a positive win/loss ratio. On my various climbs to and past 1.8k, my mmr got so much higher than my cr due to winrate that I would gain rating for going 1-5 or 2-4.

The first step in climbing is acknowledging that this isn’t a system issue, and that this is a skill issue. Check out some YouTube guides, watch some streamers and ask them for their tips, and record + watch your games after you have a bad lobby and a good lobby to compare the difference in how you played it. Focus on getting a positive win/loss ratio, and the rating reward disparity will vanish, I promise.

I’m having a very similar experience as dps being matched with healers above or below the dps mmr. 5-1 gain 20, 4-2 gain 8. 2-4 lose 60, what?

its actually crazy that your mmr is that low and you still lose games

Your cr gains are dampened, and losses amplified, when your mmr is above/below your cr. This generally happens after a winning or losing streak as mmr gains/losses are bigger than that of cr. So if you’re on a losing streak, your next few wins will be recovering your mmr and your cr will go up a lot slower. On the flip side, if you’re on a winning streak and playing at a mmr well above your cr, wins will give you a large amount of cr and losses will be dampened.


I have a feeling you wouldn’t actually like this in a system where total wins equals total losses, there’s a reason elo systems exist, it’s just that the implementation in RSS seems dysfunctional at best.

It 100% can be if a DPS doesn’t use a defensive but does so on the other team. Depending on the lobby I can go 0-6 or 6-0.


there are very few instances where 5-1 should only gain 8 cr, everyone in the match being within 100mmr and my cr being, l i t e r a l l y, within a few points of my mmr isn’t one.

This, I honestly forget some of my abilities when i hop on an alt i don’t play a lot. I’ll lose a round an go ‘hey, i should have used xyz’ and the next round it saves me.

There are limitless factors that go into winning or losing rss

you’re right, it isn’t one. which is why its never happened to you.

It is both. I need to get better, I have said that repeatedly.

However importing a ranking system from LFG where it is based on multiple rounds with the same team, where it makes sense to reward streaks since you can control comp and have consistent strats, to a mode where every round you have different team mates and comps, with absolutely no control over either, is asinine.

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Let’s not pretend like the system isn’t skewed against healers here.

Healers shouldn’t have to face someone with an MMR so far below them that they don’t even gain either CR or MMR on a win.
Has nothing to do with the win ratio here, you literally can’t gain anything from winning in some matches while losing everything on a single loss. It’s not normal to go 5-1 and lose MMR, not just CR, outright MMR.
Healers also have the least amount of impact in a Solo shuffle to decide a win. They’re not the one doing the killing.
Plus, the fact that they are fighting against only one player, the other healer, while the DPS are fighting against 3 other players, for their rating means that healer MMR is on average lower because less people to fluctuate that MMR per match.

It is absolutely not a fair system.


Just so people know you dont have to 6-0 “until” 2200 mmr

Literally 6-0ing the first lobby will put you at 2100 mmr the very next queue :grin:

So yeah, if youre half decent and want to cheese a quick 1800 set just get all your conq gear in RBGs or 2/3s first and go bananas

Pretty much this. You’re still at a net negative in matches won to matches lost. “Games” mean nothing beyond first win of the day bonus. You “win” at 3-3 for honor/conq, but 1-5 4-2 is still 5 wins 7 losses.

I can tell you why… something i noticed recently… going 3-3 now doent make your CR go down anymore “because people were upset about it”. However, it DOES drop your MMR still. So say u lose a game 2-4 (your cr drops 40, your mmr drops 60). Then you go 3-3 5 games in a row your MMR probably dropped another 20-30 points, but your CR stayed the same. So when you get that 4-2 game your CR barely goes up (cause ur MMR is more tanked). But if you have a 2-4 game, the system has the opportunity to resync your CR back down to that 50 MMR drop that has been stacking from those 3-3 games.

facts fdasfdasfadsgsd

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