AOTC player. Looking for home - DK / Druid / Pally

Long time player looking for a home. I love running mythic+ and have been a multi-AOTC player in my wow life. Looking for a place to call home for a long time. I want to know people by name…swap stories of wow past…joke about how bad my dps is. You know, a home.

I can raid from 8:30est to Midnight most nights. I would love a 2 day / 4 hour total team.

Hey there Kungfusloth, my guild on Stormrage currently has 11 raid teams with a couple that fit your requested times. We just started a new team that is in need of a tank (I see your monk is a brewmaster) is that your main role or are you purely dps?

Feel free to reach out if we may be a fit for you.

Ysera - Recruiter
Discord: yseragreen BTAG: Kittiez#1300

Morning everyone!

Hey. Idk if my times work for you but we raid Tues and weds from 7-9pm PST we are a AOTC looking to get our feet wet into mythic :slight_smile: message me on discord Graceffa

Hey there Kungfusloth! It sounds like you are looking for exactly what I am currently building. I got tired of joining new guilds only to find out there is a huge clique and not feeling welcome. So I have created my own guild with the aim of building not just a fun, inclusive guild but a home and family. Right now we are a small group, but the aim is to grow fast. Anyways, I have posted my forum post below that you can take a look at and see if we’re something you might be interested in! Please let me know if you have any interest or have any questions!

Good morning!

Hello there Kungfusloth!

I am the Guild leader of Everlasting Vengeance on Illidan. We are a mythic+ and AOTC focused guild. Based on your post I believe we would be an amazing fit for you. Our raid days are Wednesday and Saturday from 8:30PM to 10:30PM.

We are NOT a massive super guild invite type of guild that spams all over the forums or trade chat or spam whispers people. We are a smaller casual friendly guild that knows peoples names! I can tell you a good 90% of my guilds first name and age and job occupation, ect ect. My 1 officer and I have played WoW together off and on for over 17 years now! Right now we have around 40 to 50 active members in our guild/community and slowly growing.

We have multiple people running mythic+ keys on a daily basis and clear heroic raid every week. We are a friend first type of guild that enjoys helping each other grow and learn the game better.

I would love to speak with you further so please reach out to me on discord or Bnet.

Discord - Crassix
Bnet - JTMack#1968

Hey there,

Our guild, Enshadowed is currently looking for players for Season 4 and beyond. I attached our current forum post to give you better details of what we are about and our contact info.

Happy Hunting!

Hey man
Ex Inferno (Area 52) Team Orange is recruiting

We Raid Wednesday and Thursdays 8:30-11pm EST

Our Focus is AOTC which we achieve early every tier and we venture into mythic when we have the people interested

We have spots open in DPS and Healer

If you want a chill place to come kill bosses and hang with a group of friends this is the place

If this interests you and you are interested in hearing more or have any questions you can message me at

Our only requirements are that you are expected to be in voice during raid and are able to take constructive criticism.

Discord - Oebrun
Battlenet - Oedane#1231

Feel fee to check us out.

I’m Ish from Unyielding on Lightbringer. We’re currently recruiting healers and ranged dps for our raid group and casual players to run keys with. We’re an AOTC focused guild that occasionally dabbles in mythic raiding. We also constantly have someone running keys. Our raid times are from 8-12 EST on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please feel free to reach out if that sounds like it may interest you.

2 Buddies and I have started a guild for returning players and new players. We are just looking to hang out and build a weekend raid roster while doing M+. Bnet - Hotshot#1259 Discord - unholynft . Toss me a message if interested :slightly_smiling_face:


We would like to know you inside and out, you know, like a home :heart:

Greetings Kungfusloth!

I mean… How bad is your DPS?.. It is so bad that the boss died from laughter!
Ba dum tiss!

If you want more of this kind of thing, check us out:

WARCRAFT is a highly active, raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

AOTC focused Guild established in March of 2015. We have nearly every AOTC since Highmaul and usually dip our toes into mythic.

Core spots available. We are looking for reliable players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30-11p EST
Thursday 8:30-11p EST

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. If you need something, just ask! We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

The atmosphere:

We offer a highly active, social, teamwork oriented, adult environment. We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques. We do not have any ilvl requirements to join our guild. Gear can be easily obtained, but good people are priceless. :slight_smile:

“Special snowflake” accommodations, safe spaces, and “preferred pronouns” not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If ex-military leadership causes triggers or meltdowns, this is probably not the guild for you.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)
zoobee27 (zoobee#8147)