AOTC Nerfed

Why is nerfing heroic raza a bad move. Once the boss is defeated and you have AOTC there is literally no reason to care.

and yeah. aotc never was prestigious to begin with. If you want to show something off kill mythic raza, people may be impressed then.

Also the double hero is simply the strat you chose to use. It’s not the only way to kill the boss pre or post nerf on heroic.

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Wouldn’t the majority of the players be happy about this change regardless of Aotc or not?

I’m Aotc and I’m happy its getting nerfed and it just makes reclearing a lot easier.

If I don’t have Aotc I’m happy because that means its easier for me to kill it now?

What type of players are you referring to that would be negatively impacted or upset about this change?


It changes everything…have you done the Raz fight before?

You don’t seem to know what you’re talking about…

i was answering your question.

I don’t know where you pulled this paragraph from, tbh.

seems like you’re describing reasons to care. While arguing that we shouldn’t care?

So are you against or for the nerfs?

because as far as I can see there is no downside to the nerfs other than bruised egos.

This is me. I’m happy.

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The only people I can see that are upset with these nerfs are some delusional sweat lords that are unhappy about their prestige and since the boss is easier now it somehow invalidates their efforts thus far?!

Like are people really that petty about it?


Like, how many more AotCs could be expected post nerf? I can’t imagine so many more that it’d “dilute” the rarity of the achieve that much. Idk, people getting aotc after nerf is the same as the people working on M+ after nerfs that have happened already.

But I’m very aware I’m out of my element. My only heroic raiding experience is SLS4 which I gather was relatively easy. So I’m open to perspective.

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Any guild that’s actually serious about getting Aotc will have by now, my raid group is consisted of a bunch of washed ex raiders. We are all different factions/guilds that raid 1 day a week and we still managed to kill Raz twice before the upcoming nerf.

Any guild that hasn’t killed it yet will be more on the casual/family/friend side and this change will really help them get over the line and achieve their goals.

It’s a targeted nerf for a specific overlap in P2 where the wave follows the static and it’s very difficult to get through it without losing anyone unless everyone knows exactly what to do there.

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They nerfed 2 raid abilities because if you didn’t outgear the encounter or have a bunch of personals up you’d either die or be close to dead. This just makes the encounter more available to everyone appropriately geared.


Good, heroic Raznegath is overtuned beyond belief.


couldve used some better scaling is all i got.

we had issues getting it down with 24 ppl - but it fell in 2 pulls when we decided to do two batches of 15 instead.

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Same with us, we bashed our head against it doing 2/2/6 and as soon as we went 2/4/9 we killed it in 2 pulls.

They’ve changed the way scaling works in raid now so we’re no longer bound to really rigid set ups like 2/2/6 or 2/3/9.

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I noticed a similar thing. 25 peeps it was brutal we dropped it to 21 and it died soon after. Felt way smoother and less punishing even though the other 4 players were playing decent.

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All nerfs are necessary. Blizzard needs more participation.

Says a lot about a final raid boss when guilds would rather progress through the first 4 Mythic bosses then progress through the final boss of the easier difficulty.

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Oh no. Raid tier being nerfed near the end of the season. Now other people will get the same achievement I have. Oh, the humanity. How will I go on?


I remember saying in another thread and basically got cancelled for saying it but here it is… That 5% raz heroic HP nerf I asked for. Ty…

Screw all of the hate I got for mentioning it before.

So what. Why do you care what others that you do not play with do? This game is so filled with control freaks it’s really just gotten out of hand. Gate keeping content and toxic players are part of why this game is in decline and probably will stay that way.