AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

I’m listening and learning in this thread that many people don’t like playing this game.


Hope they add Gladiators and other PVP mounts too.

Are there any good ones? The vicious mounts should have been regular racial mounts for gold, instead gatekeeping the new designs from 2015 upwards, because every casual gamer has only access to the 2004 designs.

There’s almost 1000 mounts in the game at this point, I don’t see the big deal with introducing some previously unobtainable mounts into the trading post, it’s a solid idea. I get some people will lose their minds over it but as someone with quite a few rare mounts myself I say bring it on! Less FOMO is always a good thing.


Oh grow up. It’s a dusty old armored wolf that people don’t use.


Great, I hope they will add “Smoldering Reins of the Teldrassil Hippogryph” and “War-Torn Reins of the Undercity Plaguebat” in the Trading Post too. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I was subbed during this time. Y’know why I didn’t get the mount? Because groups denied you if you didn’t have AotC. For a Flex raid. Because all people were doing was spamming it for the heirlooms

Its been 10 years and I’m still annoyed at that elitism with people ignoring decently gear folks in order to run the most basic raid. We didn’t have raid finder in game so you had to use external websites and just had to hope someone’d pick you out of the chat going on, and turns out folks didn’t care about ‘random rogue’ at the time but absolutely just snapped up every ‘high gear AotC person just stomping the easy raid for heirlooms’

I hope to see this one day too. They could do it for the mount old vicious mounts (let’s say the ones releasing before 2020)

Now Rita calm down honey you’re getting all puffed up red thinking about those Night Elves again.

I have 4 of them already and didn’t pay one gold to get them…I used the Great Service of the Perky Pugs to get mine. Got it free and all I had to go is get picked in a raffle and go and do what they said to do…boom AOTC mount.

Bring back the Amani War Bear and put it on the TP :smiley:

Here is the thing now to those that may say it isn’t fair to put a AOTC mount on the Trading post or give away though Twitch or Amazon …the player that gets it that way will not get the Achievement for actually being in the raid when they got it…that might matter to some that want the mount and achievement …but who knows…

Lets be fair here all us that have been playing WoW for more then 15+ or so knew this would come about sooner or later so Blizzard could keep subs up.


These people will say “oh why do you care it’s just pixels” but then turn around and beg and cry for blizzard to give them the pixels they don’t have yet.

I haven’t had the chance to earn any of these old mounts, add a recolor if the model is worth saving. I believe some rewards should be exclusive.


No thanks.

Why should people who learned the fight carry someone who hasn’t for free?

When I’m farming heroic I’m not taking non aotc people for free. The goal is to get in and get it over not to teach someone.

It has zero to do with elitism.

If you want to learn the raid join a group designed for it.

Normal SoO was roughly the equivalent of heroic of today, with the brand new flex mode taking the spot of normal. Heroic SoO was turned into mythic by the end of Mists with every mode shifted up, basically in name only.


I’ll be brutally honest with you:

Let’s assume this AotC mount will be placed in the tendies vendor (it probably won’t) and that it will cost the datamined price.

To get the mount in MoP you had to beat Garrosh Normal (comparable to today’s Heroic) in MoP once.

To get the mount in the trading post, you have to farm tendies for 8 months and give up on 9 different better looking flying mounts.

I would say getting it through tendies is significantly harder work, and I doubt anyone is gonna trade 9 good flying mounts for an ugly wolf that looks worse than any free wolf in Warlorcs.


Yes WoW is P2W.
You can pay for gold, buy a rush and get AOTC. You can buy anything with real money.

We already lost that war, China won :rofl:
Move on.

Edit: Fun fact, I actually can’t buy gold with real money cause of my region.
So your game is way more P2W than mine LMAO.

I have the mount. Not a big deal to me. There are so many paid carries to get these mounts that even mentioning the word “integrity” is silly.


If your self worth and self esteem are dependent on pixels in a video game, you have serious real life problems and probably should not be playing video games at all. Achievements in a video game that could disappear at any time have no meaning.