AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

So here’s my take on things being limited-time like AOTC/KSM/KSH/Gladiator mounts/mog/titles/etc. in games as well as the old “you had to literally be there in person to get it” things like what used to be with older Pokemon games even after online connectivity was widely available in those games:

I don’t care if other people are able to get it. Just because I did it when it was current doesn’t mean I’m special. I have a lot of mounts, pets, and titles that aren’t available anymore. I did the green fire when it was current. I’ve been sporting the “of the Black Harvest title” ever since simply because I think it’s an awesome one to have. And I wish it was still obtainable for others! We deal with stuff not be available to everyone in the real world enough as it is. Why does that have to be the case in a game we play to relax, have fun, and escape the crappy reality that some of us live in?

I’d be perfectly okay with someone being able to get the Black Harvest title on a Warlock because it’s awesome! Or go back and get the KSH mount from Shadowlands season 2 that I got on my Resto Shaman via pugging just so I could get it before someone who thought they were better than everyone else and wouldn’t run keys with any of our guildies who were still trying to learn keys and couldn’t play at their level right away. Or the random expansion pre-launch stuff. I’m fine with ways for people to relive all of those events and get the goodies from them because they were awesome!

If I really felt I needed to lord it over someone that I got something when it was current (spoilers: I don’t feel that is necessary) then I can point to this nifty little thing on my list of Achievements and Feats of Strength called a date stamp that says when I earned it. The only stuff that isn’t accurate on that list (far as I know, anyway) are the pre-Wrath stuff. Woohoo.


For someone who use to be a raider, it feels a reward for AOTC mounts is proof that you succeeded and conquered the painful wipes and deaths to earn the mount.

How about re-colors of the AOTC mounts instead, I think the the Reins of the Kor’kron War Wolf would look nice in black.

Other re-color suggestions:

Violet Spellwing: fire orange (same colors as the Fyrakk mount).

Grove Warden: purple

Carcinized Zerethsteed: bronze

Uncorrupted Voidwing: dark red

Im fine with this. Got the wolf mount long time ago and honestly forgot that it existed in my collection. Before anyone says i bought a carry for it, i happen to have made new friends when this raid came out and we progressed through it, granted a little late.

Im honestly ok with my silver medal phoenixs being available too. The prestige is long gone, theres not much bragging rights to it anyways (to be honest, i feel its kind of dumb to brag about pixels anyways)


What about those that just paid for a carry?

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How is it game play sabotage?

If anything, it opens up something new for people to try to obtain.

The only thing it might potentially sabotage is someone’s ego. But even then, that person would have to be silly enough to put stock into pixels on a screen to feed their self-worth. Nobody is like that in real life, right? RIGHT?

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I mean, is anyone really surprised?

We’ve raised two and a half generations on participation trophies at this point. No child left behind. If half the class just flat out doesn’t do an assignment, well, we just won’t count that assignment towards anyone’s final grade.

And before someone says it; No, I’m not a boomer. I’m a gen Xer. The last generation where there were no trophies for 2nd place.

Sure, this is WoW. It’s a video game, nothing to be taken seriously. But, when this is the life experience for the majority playing (and designing) the game at this point, how in the world could anyone be surprised that this is being embraced by the majority?



Nobody in this game is special, but perhaps the 0.1% players who are YouTubers or do things nobody else has done. If a person really needs to gatekeep pixels, they actually DO NOT own according the signed Blizzard contract when you first started the game, then it’s a psychological issue, deeply rooted behind a game a person plays to vent.

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I’m sure it was really tough for all those that paid for a carry when it was current.

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As long as ALL removed mounts get rotated through the TP, I’m fine with it.

Gladiator mounts.

The WotLK raid mounts.


No one said it was “tough”. But, thanks for putting words in my mouth I guess?

I was more responding to the posters in this thread that seem surprised that so many here support fomo mounts being available to others. Like I asked, at this point with current social norms; How is anyone surprised?

The entire tone of your post was about players getting “unearned rewards” or

This would imply it took effort right?

Because it’s a video game. I’ve had the mount since MoP. It’s not a big deal at all. It’s foolish to place value on pixels you don’t even own in the first place.

Then you read it wrong.

The point of my post was entire generations being rewarded for simply participating, and how that shapes the majority view in society today.

Again, I spelled out who my post was aimed at. The context is there. It’s up to you to use it.


It’s funny because according to an addon I have, more people have that mount than the Kor’kron Juggernaut

You call AOTCs participation trophies, but you have 0 of them on your account.

Because I didn’t participate.

And no; I didn’t call them participation trophies.

Again, it’s not my fault if someone can’t read.

You must be talking about children because society does not reward jack for participating. What was rewarded? Sky high housing prices, low wages, and the boomer generation that continues to bleed the economy dry. But sure, stick with that participation trophy crap.

You don’t need to explain your post, it speaks for itself.

So what is the logic behind having aotc mounts locked but leaving mythic mounts on 1% or so drop rates after the fact? Mythic should be more prestigious no? Aotc is often a if there is a will there is a way thing anyway it just requires a little socializing. The mount in question was apparently off of a normal clear as well on a tier that lasted over a year.

Also ever since bfa had that whole thing where you could cheese mythic jaina for her mount I’ve sort of tuned out a lot of the whole idea of “prestigious pve mounts” its just a you were there at the time thing which doesn’t need to have as many content sacrifices as it does atm. Mounts are meant to be enjoyed and there should be an avenue to collect them.

How many children graduate HS every year who grew up in No Child Left Behind at a sub-3rd grade reading or math level? No knowledge of basic geography or history?

How many of genX and millennial parents have full custody of, and are raising their grandchildren? While their mid 20s “kids” are unemployed and living in their homes as well?

You should look at some statistics once in a while. Or, IDK, maybe juat take a look at the world around you.


It literally doesn’t matter but I guess people are happy to get another +1 to their mount counter. How many people will use this mount even if they buy it. Is the need to add this mount to the near thousand we can get really justified probably not but it doesn’t cost anything for Blizzard.