AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

This would 100% be great! I don’t 100% care if people cry about it. It’s been long overdue for a chance to see content return to the game. Thank you very much.


I’m fine with this. I got to enjoy it being unique for the last 10+ years. I’d prefer the mounts gained from AotC and things like CM to be locked behind an evergreen piece of challenging content, but expending trader’s tender isn’t a bad alternative.

While we’re at it, I feel the same way about the Pandaren Phoenixes. They’re a cool model and they weren’t that hard to get back in the day. I’ve met players who are able to do content I find way more challenging and better than I can, and it sucks telling them when they ask about the mount that it’s discontinued and unobtainable.


Mounts at giga meaningless anyways. Theres too many. It is a shame its going on the trading post tho. Cant think of anything less cool than trading post mounts. Maybe store mounts

It’s a RP-mount for Orc-players, it should have never been gatekeeped to begin with. It’s the Kor’kron Guard mount.

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I’d like to see all items available for all players except items that were purchased from the cash shop.


In my possibly not very humble opinion, its cheap. As in, a cheap move.

They don’t need to do any work to put this up for whatever it will be going for. Nothing new, no effort required, just reassign the pixels to some other means of acquiring it. Does it matter if some proportion of the players is offended at the idea? Naa, they don’t give a damn. It’s popcorn for the masses, that’s all that counts.

As if another pointless mount does anything to improve the game. Popcorn, tossed out for little effort. Despite the effort that went into getting it originally.

Do I personally care? No, feel free to grab it when it comes out. I just find the principle behind it to be rather disappointing and a further little chip out of a former great game.


Making unobtainable things obtainable again is w/e, but this feels like crap for people who got it back then … just essentially get nothing now. Instead of just making a new color variant, lets just go uber lazy and just add the existing item… how fun.

All to just appease the players who care more about “sticking” it to people who’ve played the game for a while and had made an effort to get timed exclusive items.

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Inb4 ATC achievement: After The Curve :upside_down_face::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:


Inb4 After the Curve Achievement becomes the new trade chat meme


Why should it? You don’t own the item according the game contract anyway. And besides, not everyone is still playing WoW. It’s not a gold medal and nobody will remember you for doing this content.


Both Glad, elite sets and Aotc should just have used a token system.

Where each season a new item got added to a relevant pool of rewards and you when you achieved the goal, you got a token that let you pick the one you wanted.

The TP itself is already cluttered.

Considering its outdated content, it really should be available at this point. However, they should not do this for anything within what would be currently the current and previous expansions. However, anything older then 2 expansions should be put up at some point on the trading post. Though an argument could be made for at least a different color, so same model. Just not same colors. That way if you do already have previous model, you could still benefit from it since it’s not the same color as the one you have.

Fragile egos can’t handle a mount being made available again after having it for 10 years collecting dust in your mount collection.

Back in the day there were continuous boosts groups to get everyone a mount and a heirloom so just how special of an achievement was it anyway.


I do have it and its is cool . I have never seen someone riding it ingame , even if there are some who use it they have their achievement . Who cares if others can get it


Sets bad precedent. Just hand out Glad mounts next. Who cares, right?


I would not mind having the void drake myself.

I don’t have the mount so this fragile ego you speak of won’t exist here. I should not have the mount as I did not complete the content at the time of completion. It’s also not about the wolf it’s about opening the door for this type of sht happening to other AOTC things.

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Even if this turns out to be real, I’ve become fixated on buying the monthly pet from the trading post. I’ll probably end up letting this opportunity slip past.

Omg people are crazy lmao

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If you see someone riding around on an AOTC mount. You pull them aside and demand to see the achievement.

And if they can’t show you the achieve. Well you come to the the forums and you tell everyone. You tell everyone that person doesn’t deserve to to be riding around on that mount. You shame them so much that they will never ride that mount again. How dare they.

And once you’ve shamed that person for using the mount you earned 20 years ago. You will go on with your life, never seeing that person again. But you’ll know. You’ll know deep down inside that you did the right thing.