AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

Everything is easy unless you have to carry bad players. Still doesn’t excuse the fact of bring back unobtainables.

This means the door is going to be open for a lot more unobtainables.

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I mean I also thing they should bring back Mage Tower appearances (I have most of them) because the Mage Tower is harder than it was in Legion.

They should also re-add all of the old dungeons and raids that were removed to the game and keep their loot tables.

I hope with Pandamonium Timerunning we also get the MoP cloaks back (so the devs can deliver their promise of players being able to kill Ordos who didnt play MoP, there is a Blue Post about that).

As for other AotC mounts, I’m ok with them coming back if they add a heroic raid timewalking difficulty for WoD raids onwards.


I fear dark times are ahead… if people hated the Blizzard - Activision transition, they will REALLY hate this one.

No, they can bring them all back for a modicum of effort or even throw them on the trading post. Like I said the door has opened.

Or BMAH where they go for gold cap instantly :slight_smile:

They will probably be going there anyway. I doubt gold cap on every server.

sounds like the most effective way to siphon gold out of the economy.



But muh pixels!



We don’t need recolors. We need the actual color, which goes with the shaman set you can still get from SoO.

Why do you wish to force a pink sword on the new players, while the black sword is fine enough. Do you want to start another drama, just because your emotions are tied to a PC game?


Just to dumb it down a little, I believe the player you are replying to, is suggesting that the people that earnt that mount during the AOTC should keep the original appearance as a ‘momento’ that they achieved something specific in the game or that they were subscribed during a specific time. They just think it should have a recolor. They’re not being emotional Blastrizzle.


Oh no… such things should be exclusive and never ever come back. Only the elite and most dedicated should own such a prestigious mount, yada yada blah blah.

Anyway that’s neat.

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I hope they really do bring it back via tenders. Watching these people lose their collective minds over it is just icing on the cake. I truly hope they eventually make all “unobtainables” available again.


Uhhh, where’s my trial of the grand crusader mount? I killed that guy twice with zero deaths [wipes? idek it’s been so long] and I lost the roll both times. Unfair much blizz? Need a response asap, thanks.

for those that require it, /s

A little more effort, right? Trading post is basically just logging into the game and collecting loot. I guess this is the future of WoW.

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Ruin someones feelings?

Anyways, this won’t hurt my feelings, I don’t have the mount. I do think it’s a bad idea to give away exclusive rewards that people had to work for and might still value.

Now, have I ever seen anyone on this garbage mount? No, it’s garbage. But that doesn’t mean this isn’t a bad trend going into the future.

The ideal thing for Blizzard to do would be to create new mounts and cosmetics… but, it’s SUBSTANTIALLY easier to simply hand out older rewards and repackage them as new, because they need to do next to zero work.

I don’t think it’s really hurting anyone feelings, but being undermined feels bad. It makes the person that obtained the item when it was relevant feel bad. Like oh man I wasted all these hours getting -insert item- and now it’s offered for free. Are my feelings hurt, no, not at all. Am I annoyed, yes, understandably so.

Sorry - might not have been the best post to reply to, but I just wanted to vent. :smiley:

Yeah, and that’s fair.

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How we got these people roaming free on the forums isn’t this suggestion a form of gameplay sabotage?