AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

Well you have fun with that. shrug

Because so many people are close to hitting that 900 mark, amiright?

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Asking a lot of them.

I wouldn’t put it past them to do this just to cash in on some people coming back for unobtainables.

Welp. That didn’t last long. Would help if the niche area of the subscription based mmorpg genre didn’t succumb to the mobile game mindset but we tried Robokappa, we tried.


Coming to a trading post near you.

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Mark my words, it’s not going onto the trading post, it’s going to be rewarded for killing Garrosh in SoO Timewalking in which the heirlooms will also drop off him in Timewalking.


Don’t care it is still coming back either way.

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That makes a lot more sense tbh. I still don’t like it, but it’s more palatable.

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Literally no one ever uses that mount anyway. Why is everyone up in arms over this? It’s a ground mount. Not like they give the achievement.

You can still feel special in having the AOTC achieve.


Does the fact that the SoO AotC mount (unlike all other AotC mounts) was given for killing Garrosh on Normal difficulty make it any more palatable?


I’ve been using this mount since I got it.

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No, doesn’t make a difference at all. It is coming back…

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This person said it best.

No chance Ion would allow them to put this up there as he likes to flaunt his.

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Well least people will need to put some effort into getting it.

No it doesn’t.

“Normal” in MoP is equivalent to “Heroic” from WoD onward so it’s no different.

Not really, I have done several timewalking raids and they are easy.

I will take some PVP mounts/transmogs for a modicum of effort.

No shot they turn an AOTC mount into a gimmick hand me down…

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SoO Normal was also easy, was it not?