AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

if people are allowed to sell runs to get it, it shouldnt be exclusive.


Again, pixels are infinite, im not quite sure where you got the idea my stance was that “muh pixels are special” or the idea that I think FOMO is a great idea when i have done nothing but the opposite.

Im also not advocating for these mounts and pixels to be just handed out like candy, but at the same point stop acting like these mounts were hard to get (They werent, and still are not at least AOTC/PVE mounts)

So we have clarified FOMO is bad, that pixels are infinite, these mounts are not hard to acquire, whats the real reason you wish to gatekeep?

Your arguement when simplified can be seen as “People shouldnt have access to things that were created before they were born” which if you translate that to the real world would see you 6 ft under lmfao xD

Let’s just, remind ourselves. We’re talking about Flex immerseus here. Flex Immerseus. Like, we’re not talking Mythic Sylvy here. We’re talking Flex Immerseus.

Incidentally, they didn’t say they needed it front up but just didn’t invite later :slight_smile:

Whoops, there were no other runs. There were no learning groups. There were three types of runs: “Pay us gold”, “AotC only” or “Vaguely seems normal (I am only inviting AotC people)”. Those are the only three groups that existed

Once again, may have been different Hordeside, but this was my hell on Alliance during MoP

Because they didn’t say “Have AotC” on the invite, otherwise I wouldn’t have applied. Y’ didn’t think I tried that and still got rejected?

Like hell, my 463 fury warrior who I’ve beaten ever boss on Amirdrassil Normal (multiple times! You can get!) still gets declined from normal groups requring 450 and 460 gear because apparently “Has repeatably done the fights and has the gear level” isn’t good enough for people today, yet alone back during MoP. This is the FOMO loving community you’re defending.

Frankly though given it isn’t on the trading post I’m hoping its going to be on that Pandamonium event coming out because frankly that’s the authentic experience

I freaking love this outcome - best possible timeline. Cope and seethe entitled, envious fools.

But give it 2 more years of failed systems designs, ridiculed lore, and highly questionable allied race releases and we’ll see them go back on their word for the sake of profit.

When that happens, better make everything available again. Not just some things, Everything.

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Its NOT True. A Blue has responded. This is why people should never trust datamining.

Not happening.

A Blue has already said the following…
“We’d like to dispel this particular rumor. At this time, we do not plan to offer mounts or other skill-based prestige rewards from achievements such as Cutting Edge or Ahead of the Curve or Gladiator in the Trading Post.”


Why is this thread still going?

Its been answered and the answer was no

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90% of the people that were participating in these threads didn’t care. Nobody is going to “cope and seethe” over a dumb ground mount they wouldn’t have bought in the first place.


Doesnt matter its not happening let this thread die

I’ll forgive you for not knowing your history. Like the time Blizzard also confirmed they would never add paid services for race changing characters a decade plus ago. You’re forgiven because you’re clearly new to the game, Blizzard entertainment, and corporate culture as a whole. Additionally, that was old Blizzard making that promise too, the ones with principle… not who work there today.

If you didn’t care then you would not comment, it’s as simple as that. Calling it “dumb” also betrays your feelings on it. The opposite of love is not hatred*, it is indifference.

The replies to me only serve to make me vastly more happy. Truly splendid, what an excellent night this is!

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Where are my posts in those threads? I care about people spouting edgelord buzzwords to “get” people who, on the main, were making fun of them for being obsessed with their “exclusive” pixels.

You absolutely missed my point. It’s “you” as in the general you. As in referencing the 90% of people you claim “did not care” lmao. You* (as in now you directly as I am addressing) missing that and espousing yet more biased remarks like “edgelord” is sooo freaking enjoyable.

You can comment all you like but I’m not going to be humbled, least of all from people who can’t understand general references. :clown_face:

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So you used the indefinite you in one sentence, and then the “definite” your in the very next sentence? OK.

Your imprecise language doesn’t change anything I said.

No its was not? The post is less than a day old. You should have looked at his post before commenting.

Kaivax is still a community manager TODAY

You are clearly a know it all. I have been here since 2005 my guy.

Boom, hope I succeed where your educators clearly failed. Put it in bold for you to see.

It’s like you missed the part where I said that the blizzard of yore, the one decades ago, were the ones who made the promise about not adding paid race changes.

General Discussion is not sending their best and I am in awe. Truly miraculous. Also @Shiftydruid, sweet edit, I see you lmfao.

Then you don’t have an excuse for not knowing that the company goes back on their word.

I see what is going on here.


Your imprecise language doesn’t change anything I said. You’re acting like you’re in a boxing ring and bragging about “owning” people when we’re just telling you you’re cringe.

It’s a weird look, dude.

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Dude hes trolling you. Only way to beat a Troll is to stop responding to them

K that’s like your opinion man. My language wasn’t imprecise, you just don’t like reading.

“Quick, maybe if we slander him then I’ll make up for my previous embarrassment!”
My responses are valid, and present historic analogue to disprove your discomfort with wanting discussion to continue. If it bothers you seeing this post then idk, unfollow it?

I’m not real worried about “beating” anybody, I just think their overall tone and demeanor is a bit edgelord. I doubt I’m the first person to point it out.

You don’t say? Here is why

This is just sad.