AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

There are thousands of people who didn’t “earn” them,
you being dead the whole fight 12 years ago and getting the mount while your guild kileld the boss doesn not give you any additional rights.

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What’s baffling to me is that so many are still raging about this article when we still have no idea if this mount is coming to the trading post, if it’s going to come to an event, or if it’s coming at all. It’s DATAMINING, not everything datamined gets added to the live game. We have ZERO context. So all anyone is doing is speculating and pearl clutching. It’s just empty noise till we know more.

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How do you know somebody didn’t put in a lot of effort to get said mount? Everybody’s situation is different if anything, the people complaining to have it added just because they weren’t there/weren’t good enough are ridiculous.

Honestly, as an old wise mage from the arena forums used to say:

“This is a git-gud situation”.

Crap happens, let people enjoy earn rewards without imposing your insufferable selfishness.


Would be interesting if it was tied to something like Soo timewalking, but doubt that would be the case.

how is others having it not letting you enjoy the reward? you still have it.

That’s honestly the most popular theory of what it will be.

There’s also a theory that it will be a new Meta Achievement for filling up the traveler’s log for a year.

Personally the Timewalking raid seems more likely.

Yet this entire thing could be solved with a tweet or comment from a blue, instead they are testing the water to see how much flak this receives. Almost like a how much is to much kind of thing.

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Imagine being the stooge who made this though lmao

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If Blizzard responded to every single piece of datamining nothing would get done. And all it would do is have people screaming ‘They’re clearly lying’. Like they do every time Blizz gives them a response.

I have some limited-time mounts including the Violet Spellwing, the Uncorrupted Voidwing and the Black Serpent of N’Zoth. I worked very hard for these mounts, but this was also years ago. I don’t care AT ALL if they end up on the Trading Post. I got them for the looks not to feel superior or special.

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Well at least because your FOMO friends in next forum thread telling us that paid carried exists since classic, that means there were people who bought the mount and hence didn’t put any effort to it.

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This is a little different than “every single piece of datamining” this is being discussed everywhere.

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Yeah, let’s give every Ravens team a '00 Ravens sb ring just for participating each year.

just because its being discussed doesnt mean its gonna happen. i can make a thread saying mimirons head is gonna be on trading post. doesnt mean its gonna happen.

you didnt answer the question. answer the question.

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Thats different than something being datamined by a reputable website.

I did answer the question which I replied with an analogy:

TLDR; At that point, it’s not a reward.

just because something is datamined doesnt indicate what its gonna be used for.

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Okay, let’s say that Blizzard does put out a tweet. Addressing this issue, telling people that the mount is not attached to the Trading post and it’s a Place Holder. Nothing will change. People will still be raging, the only change will be that now the title will be ‘Blizzard Lies’. Just like it is any time people are given a response. Because Sensationalist anger is easier than common sense thought process.

I hope the mount is free on the trading post. Just to watch these forums burn.