AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

yeah its a reward. you get a reward for doing something. you got a mount for completeing the achievement before the others hence its still a reward.

I wish that they would bring some of them back- and make them still difficult to earn in game.

But as far as the AOTC reward mounts, lots of people on this very forum admit they buy carries to get them… so they are not anything special IMHO.


I got my Archimonde moose through the Friendship Moose group way back in the day. Didn’t pay for it, but I was still carried. And I will firmly support Blizzard bringing that moose back to carry on the legacy of Friendship moose.


Yeah. It hasn’t been an exclusive thing in years. It’s the ‘old guard’ or gatekeepers that are against it. As I said earlier, exclusive titles are a conversation. But if all these people crying about aotc mounts were actually worthy of at least being taken seriously nevermind being heard, they wouldn’t sit in val on a fyrakk mount 24/7

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Well we do have indicators what it may be used that being the tender cost even if its really high and abnormal.

But they would be lying, they said it was time sensitive and would be going away.

I really dont care if they bring it back, hell id rather they put everything ever removed onto a vendor for 1 gold each and let folks have at it. The thing i dont like is unequal application to fomo items returning. It needs to be an all or nothing kind of decision to please the most amount of people.

Imagine if Blizzard twts :
Guys we will put on trading post mouts which less than 100 people used over last 5 years,
starting with that wolf (it was used 15 times in total).

The ‘Tender cost’ attached to it is above even the Monthly Reward pricetag that is usually datamined for Bar Rewards. Meaning this is likely not an indication of actually being put on the Trading post and was likely given some arbitrary value as a place holder till it can be put in to wherever Blizz plans to put it.

The illusion of prestige created by exclusive items/transmogs in this game is a myth and the more that that’s broken and we get previously removed content is a net gain for the game.

Unless you’re one of those hyper sweaty losers who cares about your pixels, in which case: lol, lmao.


Well there is a first time for everything, for all we know that value is accurate to suck some tender out of the folks that have been banking them. Something akin to a tender sink.

And yet, we don’t know. Do you know why we don’t know? Cause it’s, repeat after me now, DATAMINING. There’s no context or information. So again. All this is, is speculation and raging at empty air.

FOMO is so dumb. Life happens. And good, maybe it’ll get rid of the elitists, which, good riddance.


I can see you are just getting to emotional about this so I wont be replying to you any further.

…emotional? Wow okay. You have a great day now.


How are you so emotional Ibuki, teach me.

It takes hard work to be this emotional. You gotta do a lot of push ups, sit ups, and drink plenty of juice.


Lol methinks that homie was the one getting emotional, when presented with the fact of the matter.

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All that will be left are selfish whiners so enjoy.

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Congrats, you have just shown your true colors! The only selfish whiners here are the ones complaining that their wannabe FOMO things are being datamined as a possibility for something and they aren’t special. So thank you for telling everyone.


I will say, it feels like might have something to do with the timerunning even that been hinted at. Im also ok with them giving it out for having run the raid as if it were current content or if it could be bought with 8k timewalking currency

Demanding older rewards just because you want them (& didn’t earn them the proper way) is literally being selfish.

Get over it, you either didn’t play or you weren’t/aren’t good enough.

There’s 1000s of other current mogs/mounts etc you could get.