AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

I’m claiming the reason that people want stuff is because it brings them something. If for you it doesn’t you wouldn’t want it. If you do not value it then you never needed that mount.

It’s pretty simple.


Lol nah. I don’t think I’m gonna listen to anyone that thinks playing a human is enjoyable.

I’m telling you people that you shouldn’t place value on the pixels you don’t even own and yet here you all are just screaming into the void like entitled children because a mount might pop up on the trading post.

I agree, they shouldn’t be a thing.

I also think if people wanted rating based/skill based rewards to become free in trading post or otherwise, they shouldn’t have been added in the first place.

The irony of this entire ‘it’s just pixels’ argument is that if they were truly just pixels to said person, why are they fighting for them so hard?

You didn’t earn it, oh well tough luck there’s 1000s of other things you can mog/ride.


Yeah, that I agree with. I don’t want to take something tangible away from someone.

Good now move Gladiator mounts to trading post.


Yes mister hypocrite, we got that.
You do not care, might as well frame it.


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Yea I assumed gender here my bad.

So let me see if I can follow your logic. adjusts glasses

You are trying to refute the logic of other people not being bothered by a 12 year old ground mount coming back, and them not seeing any value in a pixilated game mount, by telling them to delete their account…

What does that prove? Like I don’t see what point you’re trying to get at here…Do you have one? Or are you so desperate to try and have a ‘Gotcha’ moment that you’ve completely missed the forest for the trees?

I really hope they add all FOMO mounts to store,
I will bring my swim suit to bathe in tearocean.

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Nobody is fighting for them. The ones that say they’re just pixels are glad they’re coming to the TP for free.

Better luck next time. I’ll be looking forward to the next unobtainable item coming to the TP!

He’s extremely hypocritical it’s actually hilarious.

Yet he’s crying for things he can’t rightfully earn (because he’s probably not good enough to let’s be honest) to be essentially free so he can have it.

But oh no, they don’t mean anything to him right? What a joke lmfao.

99% of the people in GD as a whole btw.


No, that’s exactly what they are doing. They think they have some form of gotcha here, and it’s just not a thing lol. They want to feel somehow validated, by having someone else delete their account for literally no reason.


On rotation, sure I got mounts on my random mount favorites button. 5 secknds of use I could class as ‘i still use them’

I got my blazing drake in dragon soul 12 years ago. I want more people to use it because it is a good looking mount. I use it on my resto shaman to this day and hasnt left my bar in 12 years. I don’t see giving people access to mount as a diminishing of accomplishments. If youre that concerned about your WoW status, make a macro of shouting all your acomplishments. It’ll make you friends and get you in high places.

Titles on the other hand, now that’s a converstation. But mounts? Cmon dude don’t lie you got upwards a thousand or more and all are dusty as all hell.

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You mean that thing that isn’t earnable anymore? Cause last I checked, you can’t earn things like AOTC at the current moment, after said AOTC is over.

Mounts/Mogs that came into the game to be ‘time-sensitive’? Yeah, that’s what they are.

You have 1000s of other mogs/mounts to choose from, you didn’t earn it oh well.

There are plenty of ‘pixels’ I wish I had earned but didn’t, oh well life goes on.

People have to learn they can’t always get what they want by complaining about it.


And yet here we are. Huh.

i approve of this and hope they put ALL the special stuff on the trading post. all this burden carrying in here is absurd. it just a game.