AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

If there’s value for people to have it it means it makes sense that people would value the mount. If there’s no value to have that mount, why are people interested in it?

Are you someone that refuse to acknowledge how value work?

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I reckon this’ll go towards stripping back some of the elitism and toxicity surrounding endgame so I’m all for this change.

I hope they put the Vanilla Warlord PvP sets on the trading post some day.

I play this game for fun. It’s fun to have cool stuff. I don’t put value on it. I don’t place my self worth on it.

People like you act like there’s some sort of “integrity” or “work ethic” associated with a video game. It’s kinda sad tbh.

What does it take away from you personally if this mount is put on the TP? Begin with telling me that.


Oh, no, you’re talking about the wolf. Yeah. Don’t have it. I was homeless during MoP. And frankly I don’t want it because it’s a ground mount I will literally never use.

If there’s no value in it then you don’t need it.

If it has no value for you why would you even want it?


I already have it.

You didn’t answer my question:


They won’t answer you that, because they have no answer.


I was told to post this here.

The more blizzard removes a sense of accomplishment tied to rewards the more I find myself wanting to log on less and less. I remember working extremely hard with my guild to complete Heroic SoO (Mythic difficulty) solely to obtain the AoTC mount. And now I find out they are just going to give it out for some arbitrary currency that requires no effort or skill to obtain.

Where is this going to end? I remember putting in hours and hour when I was younger to also complete all the challenge modes on GOLD because I assumed they were going to end. But I overcame and got my reward.

But for what? So blizzard can add it to some trading post?

What happens when the PvPer start seeing there 2000+ rating Mogs and Illusions on the trading post? I mean where does it end?

Sure you can keep giving people all the coolest items that take effort to obtain but in the process I feel all its going to do is creat a sense of apathy toward the game which is MUCH worse then anger. People will think “Meh I dont have to log I can just pick that item up in 5 years”

I don’t know… this is a very thin rope Blizzard is walking on that might already by to late to go back on.


What does it take away to not give it to other people?

If you don’t recognize the value in itself of a mount or collectable, why does anything like that matter.

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Man these do be looking like some Lilithia style ChatGPT posts. No one cares Lilithia.

Answer their question, or don’t respond. That simple.

Again we don’t even know if this is coming to the Trading post. No context to the datamining. So again. All you’re doing is complaining to empty air.

Hey anyone got the Old man screams at clouds meme? I think it fits here.

So you refuse to answer. Got it.

You’ve almost got it…

The value of that mount is higher if less people have it. While opening that to more people is a noble goal and I can agree with that, it’s hypocrite to say other people do not have the right to care about that mount.

My whole point is that you should be happy if this happen, not being salty toward people that care about this kind of thing.

The value of pixels that Blizzard owns full rights to? Pixels that Blizzard can do with as they please? That value?

No you don’t. Stop being disingenuous.

I’m happy about this. You’re the one trying to crap on the people that are happy about this.

What a deflection…

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And they have the right to. What does that change?

That’s a great line from an hypocrite.

You’re not happy about this when the main reason you like this kind of thing is making some people that care more miserable about it. You yourself said that you didn’t care about the mount itself.

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For what it’s worth, I’ve liked the achievements more than the mounts. Most of the time they’re nonsensical to me from a lore perspective or mog perspective, and as such I will never use them. But the feeling of progression with a group over the course of some weeks and downing the boss is special. The achievement and the (ideally) guild first-kill screen shot is money to me.

I have zero of these AOTC mounts and I shouldn’t. I don’t understand this decision by them at all.

What decision are you talking about?

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How am I being a hypocrite?

You don’t get to tell me what I feel about anything.

I’m sorry that’s what you take from this. It’s not the case. Some people place way too much of their own personal value on the pixels they’ve earned and it’s not about making people miserable…it’s sad.

I don’t care about the mount itself. I’m glad for those that happen to want it could possibly get it now. That honestly makes me happy. I got mine back in MoP and I don’t think I’m so special that nobody else “DESERVES” this mount when I “PUT IN THE HARD WORK” for it when it was available.