AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?


Nothing should be restricted like this just cause you were too busy to play back then. You have the FOS. Good enough.


Yeah, probably going to be part of the Pandamonium event. But I’m also not opposed to adding in old atoc mounts and such to the trading post.

I just want those chain bikinis.


Since the transmogs and titles and such from raiding have always been available forever, they should start by putting all the Arena mounts on the trading post.

Since PvP rewards are generally removed after the season is over.

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I’m actually not wrong. It’s my opinion.

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Lots of people have wrong opinions its okay you do to.

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And if they’re that upset over someone getting a set of pixels they don’t own in a manner that they didn’t, years and years later after they quit showing it off and forgot it’s even in their mount library, there’s deeper issues with that individual problems no video game is gonna solve.

Man I should’ve got in on the NFT scam I’d be rich!

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This is the real injustice everyone has been sleeping on. Where. Are. They???


It’s hilarious to me that the people complaining about it, are the ones it benifits to have this kind of thing for. Like who cares about a ground mount that is 10 years old? If you got it when it was a current thing, you have the achievement and bragging rights still. If you don’t, but want the mount for whatever reason, this gives it to you. I see no downside.

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How does someone else getting a mount that you have devalue it for you?

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I’m 100% in favor of adding AoTC mounts to the trading post. It’ll cut down on FOMO and that’s always a good thing.

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I don’t understand how many times I have to say this but I will.

No one cares about achievements. At all. The fun of unobtainables is the fact they’re unobtainable. Not the fact I have a spicy achievement of all things. I don’t do things for achievements. I do it so I get the shiny trophy other people ain’t gonna get.


Hate to tell you, Blizz can add/take away whatever they want in their game. It’s your fault if you thought some pixels were special for whatever reason. They can slap on the arcane bird from Legion if they want too. I have that one, and I would love for others to have access to the cool mount.


This is you rn:

And it’s hilarious to me that noobs that spend more time trying to make clever little snap backs on forums instead of raiding to earn these mounts think they deserve them.

You’re objectively wrong and you don’t have it. Next.


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“Deserve” :dracthyr_crylaugh: dude it’s a video game.


The achievement would be the “shiny trophy” in this case. You get to keep that to lord over others.

Don’t have what? The AOTC for Antorus? Hate to burst your bubble, but I very much have my pretty purple bird. And would love for everyone to be able to get it. So thank you for proving that your opinion is worthless to me, and actually factually incorrect.


I have this mount and I think it perfectly fine for to be on the trading post. It’s sad that some people put such value on pixels they don’t own to begin with.