AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

Short version? It’s cheaper :dracthyr_shrug:

I think its like 8k tenders, so you’ll be missing out on like 8 other mounts so i dont think its worth it

8k for an armored wolf with nothing special about it? lol. That’s insane

It’s likely not going to be that much, it is likely just a placeholder thing in the data till they attach the mount to whatever event it will come with.

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Bring it back, all for it. Let people have fun. Enjoy.

I also suspect it’s probably associated with the Timewalking event and not the Trading Post, at least not with that price tag. Not the first time they’ve intentionally done something they knew the dataminers would furiously clickbait over, won’t be the last.


As someone who has the achievement and mount I don’t know if I care too much if they brought it back.

The thing that’s important to me is the memory of doing the fight for the first time and having that experience and fun with friends and guildies that no longer play the game. That’s not something they can take away from me just because they bring back a mount.

Bring it back or don’t. Doesn’t hurt my feelings either way.


I have the mount and letting you know that you can buy and use that mount if you like it.

Dont let others take that away from you.



Why not? How does it affect players that do or don’t have it?

The special snowflake mentality it unreal in WoW. Personally, I have some mounts and items that others don’t have, and I hope others get for free.



I hate this idea that it devalues something if someone else were to have chance at said mount especially this far in time. It doesnt take away the experiences you had nor do i see things like aotc mounts being super special.

Its all pixels that have meaning to yourself for your own personal reason and could be all deleted one day


I got the wolf mount because i made new friends and started a guild and ended up getting this for ourselves so i have that memory tied to it. Others getting the wolf this late in the game doesnt affect me

Bringing it back as a trading post mount for 8k tenders is the literal definition of devaluing the mount; just because it’s not entirely special to you or I doesn’t mean somebody didn’t work hard to get it when it was current content.

Recolor it & add a heroic timewalking SoO achievement for the recolor, putting old aotc/time sensitive (skill based) mounts trading post is a joke.

You want to see the game really die? Get rid of exclusive rewards entirely watch how fast it crumbles.

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The thing you have to realize is that there really is no value to any mount or anything in the game and thats just a personal thing you put on yourself.

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The mount is garbage, same as skill or effort which was required to obtain it,
put it on store and make it cheap.

I still don’t think it’s a trading post item


No reason not to let other folks get AOTC mounts. Some folks weren’t playing the game when they came out, or were busy and couldn’t get them.

Pre-grats to those who who will get it this time around. :slight_smile:

I wish the only way to get tenders was the shop at 10$ us per 100 tenders.

8k for anything is not a good deal imo, since you will be missing out on other things