AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

See there you go again, imagining things that was never said and getting angry over it. :laughing:

Yet you feel the need to be the punchline of your own decision.

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I wish they’d keep things time locked, doesn’t feel like there’s a point in earning something when you can just buy it with some kind of currency in the future


Here’s a cat in a bowl.

Because even salty people needs a break.


That’s another point to this whole “NO MY FOMO”,
people how have those mounts did nothing to get it,
difficulty back then was so low, it was participation award.
and they know it

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Bro, the only person who is salty is you. Like you literally went on attacking somebody over laughing clownboy behavior like taking exclusivity so seriously, and somebody being somewhat excited over the idea of it being true.

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As much as I regret not getting this mount when it was live, I am, in generals, opposed to the return of any timed exclusive rewards coming back.

I would support a reskin of it, but let the original be for those who earned it when it was current, as was advertised at the time.


If you support that, why dont you also support that all quests and achieves and all that would be removed from previous expansions period. You werent there? Giver it back up then.

Here are cats with melon hats.
Wearing protection against self inflicted head trauma is useful for people that dislike logical arguments.

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That’s not at all the same thing. Timed exclusive rewards like AOTC and such are specifically marketed as being timed exclusive. Expansion quests and achievements are not.


Well, the wolf mount as far as for the AOTC, was like one of my least even pulled out of my mount list and ever rode. I guess for my part as the years have gone on, and I realize that everything in WoW is like fake online pixels that you are not going to take with you to the grave. You don’t even truly own them in the game, Blizzard clearly says that, and that they can give them and take them, change them as they please.

With that said I really don’t care anymore if they bring anything back from the past and give it away in other ways, recolored or what ever. Its to the point many times a new mount issues is just another one in the stack anyways.


This – I was so excited when I got Ashes of Al’ar. But when I first mounted up someone else flew by me with it haha.

It’s just pixels. IMO the achievement is a good way to have something exclusive from being a part of an event for example. But the transmogs being exclusive is a shot in the foot


Rita’s getting puffed up red for me? Not the other way around for once? OMG!

what if us salty people don’t like cats tho

This would be great to see. I have several AOTC mounts, a plethora of Legion Mage Tower weapon skins, and several other “limited time only” vanity items (like the BFA pre-patch mounts), for instance. And I would love to see them add all of them back into the game as obtainable rewards.

The Trading Post is nice, but I think adding them as rewards for specific content (new or old, perhaps in the form of achievements like “Glory of the __ Raider” mounts) would be better. Doing so would create more content that people would absolutely run in order to obtain some of these gorgeous skins.

Keeping them out of the game only perpetuates FOMO.

FOMO serves no one. More accessible content serves everyone.


Yes they are, you want to get experience of unique exlusive players tho played at that time, you dont get to quest those glorious quests now if you missed them. Gib back

Value is subjective. For you, it’s important because it’s a rare mount.
For me, it’s important because it’s a lore-accurate mount which should never have been removed.
For others, it’s a mount they wanted to have or missed them.

There is no single truth and you cannot win this fight. People, who gatekeep, are a minority and Blizzard agrees with the rest of the players, that content should not kept away anymore.

If you can’t handle bringing old items back, then perhaps you should become aware of two facts: You don’t own anything in this game (EULA) and your opinion reflects a minority. The generations have shifted and they don’t care for your pride, because this is toxic behavior to begin with to deny people options and fun.


Not quite sure you understand my point of view, so let me post it again.

You can try to trivialize it or refuse the simple logic or have your own truth if you wish, it doesn’t change that.

I totally agree with people that want the mount back, I just think it’s poor taste and hypocrite to say that people shouldn’t be able to care about the mount.


I think that’s a fair and true statement.

However, you could argue about the subjective nature of value bucking the assumed objective value of something. Essentially stating that the item by and of itself has no set objective, or intrinsic, value, but rather that the value is generated as part of a community perspective.

If I work really hard to complete my first mythic 10 key, that achievement - to me - will have a lot more value than it would someone pushing 30’s. The individual is not seeking to place an objective, or absolute, “value” for the 10, but rather appending their own subjective value. Which is what I feel a lot of these post miss: conflating subjective value for objective value. I may not value AOTC mounts the same way you do, but I also know that that subjective valuation doesn’t objectively reduce the value you place on them.

(For what it’s worth, I don’t have a strong opinion on this either way. My head is usually in the clouds and I like to think of myself as a big picture human, though I know I hypocritically dive into the weeds…)

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Warlords of Draenor, Season 1 paladin elite PvP set.
I would do things to be able to get this.

The discussion over which pre-existing mount this is, is missing the larger point of why can Blizzard not offer a mount that is new to 100% of players?