AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

You’re still not making any sense, I have explained myself enough time. You’re getting gifs. now if youre only there to prolong this absurd discussion.

And my logic still explains how this works.

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No, it’s not? I don’t think you know what “hypocrite” means here…

Just because somebody likes the idea of this mount making a comeback, doesn’t make them a hypocrite.

You’re taking this not at all well. Like step back and relax lol.

No, i make fun of people who takes it so far and so serious to a point where they take this news any anybody liking the news as a personal attack. Like you and you alone in this thread.

In the same way i make fun of Sony Fanboys for this reason…

What logic? :laughing:

The one you pulled out of thin air to claim to read my mind to read things that isn’t there?..

and it false too


I am calmly stating that if you want this mount then you care about the value.
It is hypocrite to say that other people shouldn’t be about to care about its value before if you want it now.
And if you don’t care about its value then you shouldn’t care about it coming back, you never missed anything if you didn’t care about it.

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Good to see this still going when I wake up :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Yeah, people acting like the AotC mounts are sacred probably left Trade chat and Trade Services.

I saw groups selling the Uncorrupted Voidwing for as low as 40k on MG back in BfA.

An AotC Fyrakk kill goes for 200k right now, but I’ve seen as low as 180k.

Plenty of people who don’t “deserve” (heavy airquotes, because who even cares) these mounts already have them.


You’re the least calm person in this thread. :laughing:

Where did i say you can’t? :rofl:

I’ve said you’re taking this WAY too seriously, and you’re just getting upset over yourself, like… bro. Just step back and relax!.. You put WAY too much stock into exclusivity instead of the pixels itself, lol.

Me personally, if the datamine is true, i’l be somewhat glad the mount made a comeback, and go ahead and snatch it up, or freeze it till the next month. :blush:

Like, i don’t understand why you’re getting upset over this… It doesn’t go that deep bro.


Eh, I’m mostly interested in it because I RP a Warsong Hunter and it would match her aesthetically/lorewise. It isn’t about “prestige” like y’all seem to think it is.

Well if they are going to put up AOTC mounts too the Trading Post …I would like for them to put up those PVP Gladiator mounts too…all of them…


You’re the one taking a simple logic explanation so seriously you feel like going agaisn’t a simple logic argument by only attacking me.

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Nice “No u”.

I honestly can’t imagine sounding as miserable as you right now tbh. Like you take exclusivity SO seriously, you feel the need to call somebody a hypocrite for daring to look forward to a mount and make fun of people who takes exclusivity so seriously. It really doesn’t go any further then that…

Might wanna simmer down else the birds gonna get yas. :stuck_out_tongue: :bird:


Your only arguments seems to be about me because you can’t answer to any of what I said logicly.

Funnily you’re the one that seems the more mad about this than most people in this thread.

I appreciate people being able to get a mount even nowadays because they care about the pixels. Because that mount has value. If it didn’t people wouldn’t care about this.

Because you take this SO SERIOUSLY. :joy:

Ahh yes, laughing at people being so mad over something no longer exclusive means i’m mad. You definitionally fit right in with the sony ponies.


Good, I don’t care.
Wouldn’t even if they threw in the Fyrakk AOTC skin.
Wouldn’t even if they started selling unobtainable titles.
Nothing in this game is really special to me anymore.

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I only pointed out that your initial sentiment is more about pissing people off rather than being happy to get that mount.

The fact you still think that attacking me personally for pointing out your bad character just reinforce how a terrible person you are. Have a nice day.


You only peeved yourself off. You started imagining things that isn’t even there and just go off raving. Like, bro, it doesn’t go that deep.

So i’m a bad person now for laughing at clowns like you taking things seriously, lol?

Yeah, this is definitionally worthy for bird website. Tweet tweet.


“It’s just a joke bro”

Right! Sarcasm is hard lmao!

I mean scaled up to modern HP/damage standards.

Though as a matter of personal opinion it might stop some people from complaining if it was truly hard to get