AOTC Mounts on the Trading Post?

That’s your misinterpretation of it.

Where did i say that?.. If anything, i’ve litteraly explained this to you, since you’re making things up out of thin air.

That’s your subjective opinion.

Well you can start by telling us you are mad that you no longer get to brag about the mount being rare…

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There’s no misintrepration or opinion. It’s about logic.

If the mount has no value, then there’s no value in releasing it.

If the mount has value, then there’s value in releasing it.

Everyone that care about getting this mount because of them re-releasing it care about the value they’re getting.

Everyone that care either about “gatekeeping it” or want it now care about pixels.

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I’ve never once looked at someone’s atoc mount or elite pvp set and been like ‘wow they must be good’ I just assume a lot of people buy rewards like that, especially nowadays. At least this way people could get it, and they just wouldn’t have the achieve attached to it.


Adding it to the trading post doesn’t lessen the exclusivity of it… despite the fact that more people will own it, those who got it from actually doing AotC will have the achievement to back it up.

It’s just pixels.

Like, I spent an ungodly amount of hours in my woefully undergeared warlock in BT in MoP to get my Breaker of the Black Harvest title, and if they brought that back I’d be like “Awesome, the more the merrier!” Because even if I didn’t have the FoS to show for it, I’d know I did it, and really… who am I trying to impress here anyways?? It’s just me. Me and my pixels.


mount can have no or little value, but releasing it lifts FOMO which has value.

Check your logic better next time.

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It doesn’t mean that it lost its value. The mount didn’t become something else, the product is still the same.

FOMO only has value because it’s something that you want, that has value.

If it didn’t you wouldn’t care about missing it out.

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I mean if you’re welcome to be wrong in your misinterpretation, but i know what i’ve said here, and the only reason you’re denying this is your upset at the idea of it no longer exclusive…

…I didn’t say there’s no value.

Holy crap, it’s like agruing with a sony fanboy. Jesus.

Imma assume Zoumz just got carried to get the mount, and he’s pretending to fake outrage. Hence why he’s making crap up about things i’ve never said or implied even.


You wont escape me that easy,
you lost, your logic is flawed.

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Just seems like a pitchfork argument

So there’s value in pixels thanks. :slight_smile:

Coming from you that’s rich, I don’t think you understand what logic is coming from most of your forums post.

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Right, let me help you one more time,
you posted logical statement,
it was false, I exposed it,
you lost argument.


There is nothing you have exposed, only your own incompetent and utherless lack of comprehension of what value means.

One more time Zoum,
you posted logical statement,
it was false, I exposed it,
you lost argument, you are never getting out of it.


You’re free to go again and again. Doesn’t make what you said less of a clown statement.

Well, why else are you making crap up i’ve never said or even implied then, lol?

Okay and? Doesn’t the change the fact if decides Blizzard releases the mount to trading post. I don’t really get your point here. Other then you sounding like the WoW’s equivalent to a Sony fanboy…

“Logical” Zoumz tries to recover,
you better order clown makeup.

Because it was an hypocrite statement. You recognized the value in pixels while trying to make fun of people that also do it.

Just show me where you stock yours.

You better learn from this experience,
never try to post “let me explain logic”
if you yourself cannot into logic.
Everyone knows it now :slight_smile:

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Now that is false, because value is subjective here. People place value on things regardless if it’s fomo or not. Like certain games or phones or etc.

And this mount if it comes to TP, will just be another example of people taking interest or care in it regardless it was meant to be a fomo mount to start with.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Someone is really mad rn,
imagine trying to teach someone about logic
and failing that hard.

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