I’ve played WoW since Vanilla, and have mained a healer since BC (first a holy pally, then a holy priest since Legion). I’ve been with my current guild in the Alliance for 12 years, but for the last year, due to a new job, my schedule hasn’t really fit theirs anymore. I’m trying to find a new place to go, which is really hard after such a long time together! I love the horde races though, and want to faction change my priest.
I’ve been AOTC for every raid since Legion, including CN, as holy. I suck at Disc. If you’re looking for a holy priest though, I might be your lady!
I’d like to find a horde guild of other working adults that does weeknight AOTC raiding and M+. My raider.io thingy is 1063 for holy. Haven’t hit a +15 in time yet, but have definitely timed some 14s. Ideally, I’d like to be done raiding for the night by 10pm CST because I really like my sleep and not being grumpy at work. I’m a teacher, so after spending all day with my 7th grade students, I honestly just want to have fun, have a social life with my guild, and do stuff in WoW. And go to bed by 10!
Let me know if I might be a good fit for your crew.