AOTC Guild LFM for Mythic Raids/Shadowlands

Our guild is located on Sargeras and we are alliance. We are looking for a few more active members to run mythic plus, raids, PVP, and just overall have a good time with! WE are formed with 8 members that have been playing with each other since BC and have continued to stay in touch. We typically raid Wednesdays and Sundays (but usually depends on the week) from 8:45-12 PM ST. Currently, we are 12/12 N, 10/12 H, and plan on doing mythic content sometime shortly. We are looking for all classes and all roles to bolster our ranks! Heals and DPS are the priority but tanks are welcome too! Our main focus is fun before anything else. We are an extremely laid back guild. Pst me in-game- Theecaptain or message me on Robertcopper#1512 for more info!