AOO is up with 400 loot

The problem wouldn’t be solved at all though. You’re not the first to suggest this and its still just as ridiculous as the last time someone did.

If Blizzard actually went through with this inane idea of trapping people in warmode if they do the quest, then we’d be back to square one where Alliance don’t turn on warmode.

Blizzard isn’t going to do this. The whole point of the weekly is to act as a carrot to get people into warmode. Trapping them there for doing the quest runs counter to that goal.

Yes the point of turning on warmode is to engage in wpvp.

But the problem is one side doesn’t want to. And that leaves the other side with no one to wpvp against and basically enjoying a 10% bonus just because.

The weekly quest is incentive to get the side that doesn’t want to wpvp to spend some time doing it anyway. It’s a bribe, and a hefty one too. It has to be. Because generally speaking, the Alliance don’t want to engage in warmode.

The Horde can have that weekly quest if they want it. They just have to turn off warmode for a few weeks till the pendulum swings the other way. But good luck getting enough Horde to do that lol.

It says 400 ilvl for me when I accepted the quest. I’m at 15/25 but not in a rush to complete it, Where are you getting 395 from unless it’s a glitch?

I was not aware 3x was equal to 15-30% thanks for the math lesson.

Honestly this is the best idea I’ve seen regarding this.

What boggles my mind are how many Alliance are okay with getting free Heroic level loot for minimal effort. You take the 10% to gold, Azerite, etc. that the Horde get and pretend that it’s even comparable to a Heroic piece, 25%+, and PvP currency? WM should be for people who enjoy PvP, not a place for Alliance go get free gear and then turn it off once they’re done with it. The biggest issue is the ability to immediately opt out after getting your gear, and the Horde 100% never having the chance to get the same opportunity.

The reason for the disparity is on Blizzard, absolutely. But now we’re seen as nothing more than a kill count for a quest for Alliance that what their free loot so they can go into WM once and never again. It’s not a PvP experience, it’s a raid vs. solo experience. And even if there was an epic raid eventually? The Alliance get a reward and the Horde don’t. For the same effort, the Horde get less rewards.

As I said, I’m not blaming the Alliance. I’m blaming the fact that Blizzard chose a bandaid fix to faction imbalance in WM and said fix is so poorly thought out it’ll favor one faction for an entire expansion, likely for the rest of WoW’s life. That’s what I have an issue with.

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No, the best idea is to remove any PVE incentive from the damn mode.

Warmode was supposed to be the replacement of PVP servers. Folks on PvP servers are used to being disadvantaged.

There shouldn’t be anything rewarding about Warmode. The only wiggle room I’m ok with is the XP gain on leveling since it’s irrelevant.

Why would you blame Alliance for what Blizzard is throwing at them? How about you direct your complaint toward Blizzard instead of a whole faction. Folks enjoy getting gear. Look at the expansion where they’re throwing Heroic level gear at people killing 10 bears.

You could have fooled me with the unnecessary shade you just threw.

The sharding tech was borked at the beginning, Blizzard did confirm this (whether folks throwing shade at the Alliance want to believe it or not). The AOO incentive served its purpose in showing the Alliance folks that wanted to play with Warmode on that it was fixed. It also weeded out the PVE Horde that were using it for just the PVE incentive.

Now that they have it less borked, it doesn’t hold a purpose. If folks want to PvP, they’ll turn on Warmode.

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Trapping people in warmode is NOT a “good” idea or something Blizzard would ever even consider.

Trapping players in warmode would just lead to Alliance leaving warmode off permanently. Sure its great for you. You’d get to enjoy your 10% bonus with little risk of pvp again. But that’s not what Blizzard wants. They want both sides to engage. Unfortunately one side doesn’t want to, so Blizz resorted to bribery to get them to.

The Alliance don’t want to turn on warmode. The quest incentivizes them to do so. Otherwise you’d have only a smattering of Alliance to prey upon.

Stop whining about the very thing that gets people who want nothing to do with wpvp to turn the darn warmode on for a bit.

Failing that, boycott warmode for a few weeks and that quest you’re so hard up about will be yours.

If you want the Alliance to stay in warmode longer then stop crying on the forums and keep your fellow Hordies alive so the Alliance can’t finish the quest. Be out there making them dread doing that quest. Kill them. Make them suffer for that quest. But for Light’s sake stop crying about it and stop suggesting ridiculous ideas that WILL NOT WORK to get the result you want.

If Blizzard decides there needs to be changes they will make changes. But I guarantee you that no change they come up with will trap players in warmode for any length of time. You are delusional if you think your idea would work or end well.

I like turtles :turtle:


Don’t worry this week it’s gonna be 10-1 everywhere you look from past experience !!

I blame the people who claim it’s fair because Horde got “free 10% to experience for so long.” There are people who legitimately believe they are entitled to this and will turn WM off if they don’t get it. And you don’t see any issue with that? That people thing it’s their Elune given right to get this stuff and will throw fits/turn WM off when they don’t get it? That’s the issue I have.

If they’re going to stick to incentives, then it was the best idea. Otherwise yeah, both sides should get the same “rewards” for WM. One side should not get all of these delightful things while the other just gets nothing. It should be all or nothing, not what we have now.

I believe that the sharding tech was borked. It’s been borked since Blizz introduced it. I’ve been against it for a long time because of all the issues it brings. But it caused the issue we’re at now, where Alliance are being rewarded obscene amounts despite the supposed “balance” Blizzard claims to see. It didn’t weed anything out; now we’re at week…4? 5? 6? I don’t even remember, but it’s been multiple weeks of free 385+ - 395+ (now) gear and it will continue because the Horde will never see it. The quest and rewards shouldn’t exist full stop, or it should not be a thing now because the Alliance PvErs get to milk it for free loot and then turn WM off when they get it.

I have a huge issue with something like this. I know people are mostly taking advantage of what Blizzard gives them, but there are those who truly believe they deserve it and that blows my mind that they think it’s even close to fair.

TL;DR - AOO should not exist anymore. It’s a dumb bandaid fix to a far larger problem Blizzard isn’t willing to handle or deal with.

That’s some brave talk for a faction which routinely gets steam rolled in instanced PvP where the nos are equal !


60000? Sounds like you dont have much time to study :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It should stop with no rewards. If Alliance stop turning it on all together, then there’s nothing for anyone to complain about other than participation. If there’s barely any Alliance then Blizzard ruined something the community enjoyed with taking PvP servers away all together. It would be neither factions fault.

I don’t even turn WM on. I have no interest in it. I’m more annoyed at more sources of loot to one faction over another. The fact that bribery is the only way to get one side to get involved is a failing with the system, and incentives should have stopped at percentage gain. The 10% is hardly anything when you compare it to everything the Alliance gets for turning it on briefly then off for the rest of the week.

Alright, so my incentive to turn WM on doesn’t matter. It’s just the 10%, right? I want nothing to do with WPVP, so I should expect a quest to give me what the Alliance get? Wish it worked like that.

Had it off since AOO became a thing. Never even got close to the Alliance hitting 10% bonus. Nothing I do gets me closer to that quest.

No one on the horde thought the AOO was fair or right on the first week of a new raid tier. Blizzard realized that and fixed it.

However, I never argued that AOO didn’t help fix some imbalance caused by sharding… but the sharding has been fixed. The fact that AOO goes up and down and still only rewards the Alliance shows serious proof that Alliance, on the whole, turn WM on only when AOO is available and Horde still turn there’s on more… even when the Alliance sit there and spawn camp flight paths for free loot (which Horde never got).

Argue that all you want, but the evidence shows Alliance, even when baited with free gear, still can’t put up the numbers for WPvP. So don’t talk about how cowardly Horde are when time and time again AOO shows who’s not clicking WM on at the macro level. If you can’t comprehend that simple deduction, then I don’t know how you will ever learn anything during this discussion.

Complained when the item dropped to 385? No. We complained when it was sitting at 400 at the beginning of a raid tier. Not sure what you’re not understanding here…

Let me explain “for the most part”. The fact that week after week Alliance were hitting the AOO means that Alliance numbers of turning WM on still didn’t compare. The fact that Alliance clicked WM on, camped a FP for 20 mins, then hearthed and clicked it off. The fact that there were dozens of posts from Alliance saying they wouldn’t click WM on now that the ilvl was dropped…

Yes… for most of the week they played… the Alliance were not playing with WM on.

Wrong again… Horde still, overall, seem to have WM on more (hence why we never see AOO) which means, even on the worst weeks Alliance were FP camping us, we still put up the numbers. Alliance never matched that.


AOO non-Azerite is 395. Azerite from it is 400. This is the loot I saw awarded so far today. The quest says 400 when it’s picked up but then says 395 while in my log once I looked at it later.

The Horde doesn’t need any incentive to turn on warmode.

The Alliance don’t want to be there.

The Horde do.

Blizzard wants both sides to use the system so they incentivize the side that’s avoiding it.

If it really bugs you that Alliance get something you don’t then take it out on them and make them work for that weekly. Keep your fellows alive. Wreck any Alliance you see trying to do the quest.

It’s not hard to understand.

The Alliance DON’T WANT TO TURN ON WARMODE. That’s why they need such a hefty incentive to get them to turn it on if only briefly. Locking them into warmode essentially negates the incentive. That ilvl 400 item isn’t going to be enough carrot to ruin the rest of their week.

The Horde DO WANT TO TURN ON WARMODE. Thus they need no additional incentives.

Trapping people in warmode when they don’t want to be there is not going to make them flock to warmode for that weekly quest. It’s ludicrous to even think it might.

This is where we agree. I don’t like it rewarding one faction over another. That’s my issue. I don’t blame the Alliance for taking advantage of it, I would too if I had the option. But the Horde never will, and that rubs me the wrong way. Someone shouldn’t be rewarded for playing one faction over another.

WM was a great idea but it had a rocky start with bad sharding. Now the Alliance get a lot more out of it than we do and it feels wrong. It comes down to Blizzard’s ineptitude more than anything else, which has been shown in many colors this expansion.

Seriously guys, we didn’t need an incentive for PVP servers, we don’t need one for Warmode. Having any incentive tied to it ended up being its biggest killer.

They locked our good talents behind WM… so :man_shrugging:t4:

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Why? At the end of the day, they’ll get a few kills here and there and get their free gear, their free conquest, their free 25-30% of whatever currency they’re near. And I get…the…satisfaction of making them work for it and a pat on the back?

Doesn’t sound fun, or rewarding, or worth it. Rather not turn WM on at all so they have one less person to kill for their free loot.

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