AOO is up with 400 loot

No it’s not. Dark Iron<— PVP server from the beginning. Camping groups were a thing but they were almost never raids. Mostly there were 1-3 known guys who would camp a FP regularly. If people got together and fought them, they fought back. We had an actual skirmish.

Warmode ruined that. The people camping FPs now don’t WANT world pvp, they want their free gear. The moment it’s not free anymore, the moment they face an actual challenge, they run away.

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You won the forum PvP battle.

Horde have a tendency to be really stubborn. They’d rather get wiped on repeat than just turn WM off. Fine by me. I killed at least 30 horde on my hunter during the Invasion today. Complete slaughter. They barely even fought back LOL.

That’s mostly Alliance rerolls you’re fighting. You guys are getting cocky, i killed 5 of you by myself on my DH. 2 Rogues and a warrior just smacked me once then ran off after some Paladin running back, after i killed their friends i chased them down. You’re literally terrible when you don’t outnumber us horribly.

Yes it is. Emerald Dream. WPvP is a cause and affect. Always has been. Then if it gets enough traction, the zone explodes.

Warmode ruined a lot of things, but it’s still (essentially) the sameish concept. There’s just zero community participation anymore since everyrone is off server etc etc. Warmode has seriously decimated Emerald Dreams RP scene. They’re picking back up, but it hit the server hard.

Zones haven’t exploded since BC. Wrath, flight, portals to everywhere, World pvp was camping flight paths that sometimes ended in 3-5 v 3-5 fights.

Back in Vanilla and BC, yes Tarren Mill versus Southshore, Southern Barrens incursions, and Crossroad camping. All real, all ALOT of fun. But those days are LONG gone.

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Sorry I’ve had the exact opposite experience. At least on Alliance people back me up when I’m WPVPing. I can safely say this happens at a lesser rate on horde side. After all, when you constantly have the numbers, there’s nto really a need for team work, is there? :man_shrugging:

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That is pretty much a good point.

Sorry that you haven’t had good WPVP. But Emerald Dream sure as hell didn’t lack in WPvP/RPPvP until BFA rolled in with Warmode. MoP and WoD were a hella good time for WPvP. Even with that punk Multiboxer.


My experience is that people who PvP in invasions tend to be part of a group and goes after lower levels and soloers. We just keep coming back because it is still easy and fast exp.

The devs do that pretty well on their own. Horses and now gryphons.

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills dude. People are actually mocking folks for getting backup in WPvP when that’s exactly how it generally goes down. Can’t win against an opponent? You let folks know.

We’re not robots lol.

Except we don’t constantly have the numbers. Seriously are you guys playing against bots or something? Is Blizzard completely obscuring the real player base from each other?

I have not seen a single Alliance in WEEKS. It’s either zero, or an entire raid camping a quest. That’s it. Never a single Alliance that is not in a massive group of at LEAST 10 Allies.

It’s probably because of the server shard you are in, I myself just did the Nazmir invasion and it was flooded with Alliance, and not many Horde

I spend literally hours doing the Drustvar circuit herbing, and using the elite WQs to server hop. Shard to shard to shard, never find an Ally. Never even 2 or 3. It’s 10+ or 0.

Even if it was 80 horde the outcome would be the same, dead horde everywhere…you know this.

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LOL. Then why did all the Alliance turn warmode off? Why did Daddy Blizzard have to give you welfare to get you back in warmode?


I’ve been murdering them all in Duskwood as they try to level over and over and over and over and over again.

I glad to hear positive results.

Because alliance got so bored of steamrolling horde, Blizz had to encourage them to pvp.

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I actually went to the dude, after reading only your post:

That doesn’t make it worth it for me to bother.