AOO at 395, Alliance bonus 20% (4-23)

Against Overwhelming Odds is there this week, and as Blizzard said, it now rewards a 395 item.

Also, if you completed it last week but held off turning it in until this week, it still now rewards a 395. Of course, turning it in this week means you can’t take it again this week, so you’ll just have to kill Horde for the joy of killing Horde.

It will be interesting to see if 395 is enough to make AOO less frequent.


Why would it make it less frequent? Horde turning it off or Alliance keeping it on? What would stop Alliance from turning it off after completing the quest to get again next week?

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More Horde turning war mode off because more war mode Alliance bother to do the quest.

There’s been a very strong correlation between the AOO reward and how long it is before AOO happens again. With a 370 heroic reward at the end of 8.0, Blizzard reported “steady progress” toward balance. A 400 heroic reward at the beginning of 8.1 when that was the best gear available slammed the balance from 1-3 to 1-1.5 in a week, and kept AOO off for a month. A 385 reward at the beginning of 8.1 kept AOO off for a couple of weeks between each week on, but as 385s became less and less relevant, it gradually flipped to two weeks of AOO for one week off.

I’m guessing that a 395 reward will give us a one week on, one week off cycle for the next month or so, but we’ll see.

The fact that we were keeping war mode on anyway, of course.


Is it supposed to scale based on your ilvl? My cache shows 400, not 395.


I think it’ll be Alliance turning it off once the quest is complete. Alliance seem to be the ones that don’t bother to WM unless they have the AOO quest

Hmm it would seem by the fact that you have AOO quest this week and last that they didn’t keep it on.


Based on what Blizzard has told us, the ilvl should work just like emissaries. What do your emissaries show? Emissaries provide up to 395 nonazerite and 400 azerite, maybe that means you’re destined to get azerite gear if you do AOO?

That’s assuming you’re looking at the AOO reward cache, not some other cache.

The data have repeatedly shown that wrong. But believe what you wish.

More like hardly anyone bothered to do AOO last week, so Horde carebears were not incentivized to turn war mode off.

Only emissary I have available is today’s (200 war resources). I just checked my monk, who is ilvl 409, and AOO is 395. Weird…

And what data would that be? Care to share?

Really? Could of fooled me since everywhere I went we ran into large groups. Even when we managed to make it an even fight or close to even , Ally came back with even more. Doesn’t sound like they took off last week


Just read my previous post where I went over the data.

Pally @ 400:

Monk @ 395:

Nothing you posted proves either way which faction is turning it on or off. Again, share the data and not your skewed opinions


I encourage you to do AOO and see what you get for it, and whether it’s Azerite gear.

It does, however, disprove your theory that Alliance is turning it on just for the quest and then turning it off, since when AOO has a good reward the ratio stays close to balance for weeks afterwards.

How so? The fact that you have AOO could point to Alliance not having it on which caused the imbalance to grow to the point you met the criteria for the quest.
Let’s face it, Alliance have proved over and over and over again that the majority NEED the AOO quest to WM. When you don’t, we hear a lot of crying about how the rewards should be upped to get more out. You’ve already proven that you can’t be unbiased and have extremely skewed views when it comes to WM


It’s the lights blessing!!! My paladin was 400 also, but the shaman and rouge are 395.


Now Tank, I have never asked for bigger loot. Just lots and lots of targets is all I want. :grinning:

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And you are correct sir. My comment is for all the “other” alliance not in this thread :grin:

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The only think that i hate about your quest guys, is that while 60% of the Horde want to pvp about 40% with WM on are just useless, and wont help in WPVP, they are just in because of the 10% buff. And most cases we are not exactly outnumbered, but the pansy people run like rats at the sight of an Alliance, that is my only complaint.

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Since the purpose of AOO is to drive your “useless” “rats” out of war mode, you should be happy with it. You know those guys won’t leave it on if they get ganked enough.

And to get the carebear Alliance to turn on WM since a quest is specifically designed to do just that