AoE should either be all capped or uncapped for all class and specs

Blizzard should either make it so all class and spec have capped AoE or uncapped AoE. If they don’t they will have the same issue currently we have now where certain class and spec have a great advantage in m+ coz their AoE spells are uncapp while a lot of whole other class have to deal with AoE cap.

Either do one thing or the other. This half a%% is dumb.


Unrelated, all I can think of is this when I see your name:

On topic, AoE caps are dumb. Developers should give us tools, not rules. If you don’t want people to pull an entire instance and AoE it all down, design the dungeon in a manner that prevents this. Don’t add a non-sensical rule to artificially handicap the top 1% at the cost of good faith with the entire playerbase.


Bliz and balance doesn’t work in the same sentence.


Imagine Fury warriors without a target cap.



I would also like to add that the rent is too damn high.


Points to perma Vanilla Classic, the frost mages are OP, here.

This is like saying a 9 year old and a 30 year old should be given the same portion size of food, to make it “fair”. In reality, the 30 year old needs more calories.

Not all AOE spells are equal.
And no matter how hard they try, not all specs are equal.


Easy, then set a hard on the total amount of damage ALL AoE spells can do. Say the cap is 20k. You have 5 targets then all AoE spells can do a total of 20k damage to 5 targets. If there are 50mobs you still do a total of 20k damage to 50 mobs. Only different is now the 5 mobs will each take 4k damage while the 50mobs one will take 400 damage each.

Sure pull more but it won’t net you more damage since there is a hard cap to limit that. It will also discourage people from pulling a ton of mob since there is no real benefit in fact is more riskly since mob will die slower due to the fact the more you pull the less damage AoE spells are doing to them.

Why though ?

What are you salty about exactly ?

I vote uncapped for all specs. :+1:

Why does this argument pop up every couple of months? I can guarantee you that changing AoE cap to uncapped will not make a difference to 99% of the players simply because PuGs, and even pre-made groups, are not pulling past the AoE cap enough to make a difference.

No. We do not want cookie cutter specs and classes where everyone has the same ability with a different name.

If you have done Tazavesh Mythic in Gambit you will know how much easier it is to have an uncapped AoE spec to kill the mobs right by the ectrance. You can easily pull 3 to 4 packs of the mobs stun and use an uncapped AoE class to easily kill them vs having capped AoE class. That’s just one example and there are many like that.

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You’re talking to someone who has been timing 20+ all expansion.

Besides the first pull with lust, you are not pulling 4 packs because pugs cannot be trusted with stunning Totems from spawning. Even teams struggles with that, so no. AoE cap is not being reached enough to make a difference.


So then you know how easy it is for uncapped AoE spec to clear those mobs. Try to bring in all uncapped AoE spec vs AoE capped spec the difference is day and night even with a pug group.

I pugged over 1000 keys. I have played with every group comp imaginable. I did a +20 Lower with a Ret Paladin, Enh Shaman, and Destro Lock. Guess what. The lock was last in dps.


Remove the ( ).

Imagine if my chain lighting didnt have a target cap? And with the massive range it has I could clear out an entire battleground with a single cast. Yea. Your idea is terrible.


Especially after seeing more nerds to dh but fury warriors are perfectly okay. DF is absolutely going to be SL part deux with flying dragons. Once the dragon riding novelties wear off, people are going to be upset and discouraged by another xpac that has far too many layers of modifiers and cannot be balanced.

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I get what it looked like they were trying to do. Make it so specs specialize in a type of AoE. But without capping tanks ability to survive, m+ ends up with one valid damage profile.

M+ Season 4 was a balance joke. Tanks doing better than some DPS, some DPS outright doubling the output of others. So most people either have to put up with being inherently worse off no matter what they do or be forced to play a spec they don’t want to play. Either way, not a positive experience for most players.

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I play MM this season. I have a “cap” of “5”.

I can pull triple digit dps in Gambit’s first big pull easily, usually beating the uncapped classes.

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Years ago…
Players = aoe caps are dumb!
Blizz = Players want spec diversity! doubles down on various aoe caps because they want specs for certain roles (ST, 2-3 tgt cleave, broad-based aoe)

Years later…
Players = aoe caps are still dumb!

…what do you think Blizzard’s response will be now? Do you think they’ll triple down on this design concept?