AoE should either be all capped or uncapped for all class and specs

I don’t know how well things like Whirlwind or Trick shots would work without an AoE cap, they’d be completely neutered.

AOE cap is quite dumb if you think about it.

It would be like. When it rains, only 20 people get wet, whereas everyone else that goes outside, the rain goes right through them and are completely dry.

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Same. Gave you a like for the Spungemunky (sic?) pic. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Those things had names?

Memory of them was eating away at my psyche one sleepiness night. It took me awhile, but I eventually found out what they were called.

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Yeah, Full Moon nuking everything it hits uncapped.


Yea, MM AE is pretty bursty pulling over 50k.

MS will fix everything in 2023


Currently it acts like a perpetual motion / free energy machine. Add another mob and the energy to do more damage magically appears out of thin air.

So in a rain everyone one gets wet, but none of them get hit with a fire hose that knocks them down. They amount of falling water, or energy, gets spread out. You can take that energy and spread it out so everyone gets a couple of drops, or target it all on one person and drown them. But the amount of water stays the same. The current system doesn’t really have that trade off.

rogues get to hit 8 targets instead of 5 this time around…

i wanna be happy about it but i have a feeling there will be tons of 9+ targets pulls just to keep me unhappy :wink:

kinda weird that i need a talent to hit less targets than some others do without a talent lol

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