Anyway to get around dragon riding?

Do you not realize how nebulous that “Read the thread”? is? Do you understand why i had to specify 175+ posts in your response?

You choose to made your comment like that, so it is your fault because without that extra context you’re talking about, i only assumed your talking about that. You really can’t blame anybody making assumptions on your comment alone, and you really can’t expect people to “read the thread” if you’re not actually going to specify what you meant in the first place.

I’ve never said anything about OP. Why you must assumed i did? I was responding to that comment with in mind that a lot of people use the buzzphrase “It’s fun” to excuse motion sickness.

Denial is stage 1 bud. Next time, specify in your comment and you wouldn’t have this problem by your own design. :roll_eyes:

And i’m not going to bother to go on because it’s just going to be you repeating yourself here. Accept it or don’t. That’s all i’m going to say.

I got Shadowlands in the free offer and leveled up one character for each covenant at the same time. Without any xp buffs I ended up doing enough side quests to get up to 54 in Bastion, then finishing up Revendreth after turning 60.

So I did that quest multiple times. It never got easier.

Translation: “I can’t identify with people who find difficult, all those people need to do is git gud”.

Not everybody is wired the same. They can’t just snap their fingers and say “I’m not going to be the way I’ve always been, I’ll become that guy over there.” But apparently the devs agree with you that people whose limitations mean they’re having difficulty with this type of mechanic just need to decide to git gud.

Hey, I don’t understand how someone can fail at understanding how time zones mean it’s a different time in different zones. But I’m not saying that my background in math/science and years of experience working with people in other countries means they should just be able to choose to suddenly git gud at this.


Except I can. OP’s post had nothing to do being physically incapable of doing dragonriding. If he said “I get motion sickness and dragonriding is really difficult for me to adjust to,” then I would agree with you.

But he didn’t. He didn’t specify anything of the sort. His post is just “I don’t like this. Bad system. Gimme regular flying,” so I responded accordingly.

You didn’t even pay attention to who I was responding to? You just knee-jerk reacted to my comment because… reasons?

Yeah okay, lmao

Nooo no no, just an explanation is all I need, I promise. If you flew a flying mount before dragonflight, what is the difference? And what is “physically” hindering that individual from flying now? Is it too fast? Is it the dragons color?

Some of the problems I have is this cheap $20 mouse. lol.
Those jump puzzles were killing me cuz this thing dont want to fine tune a hop…its like CHAARRRRRRGGGGGEEEE! when Id try to hop from one small step to the next. I just gave up till we got flight on some things

your infantile sarcasm is enough…/blocked

Hmmm, infantile. Okay! But still no explanation…

What “sucks” about it. These threads would go a long way if you actually put some constructive criticism into them rather just a generic “it is bad” description.

9 times failing at first waking shores tour.

How many times does it take to “practice” it in order to get better?

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If you are unable to accept other people’s experiences as valid because they don’t have enough links for you, then there is nothing I or anyone else can tell you that will satisfy your need to have information that cannot exist.

I react to certain common foods. I hurt if I eat them. I have figured out how to avoid them and lead a pain-free life. I have many times heard people saying that they don’t understand the mechanism that causes this, and therefore I should eat those foods. I don’t.

Not everyone is good at analyzing their feelings and expressing themselves. It is not a requirement for being permitted to be on the internet. Others in these many threads have explained how and why this is a problem for them.

If a lot of people are complaining about something being a serious problem for them, this could be a red flag for Blizzard. Or they could just ignore it like they ignored people during shadowlands who said they weren’t having fun, and millions of players left the game without understanding why it wasn’t fun.


You know, I didn’t do the flying races in MoP. And that’s fine, because they weren’t a central core requirement to play the game.

I didn’t do the races on Darkmoon Faire. And that fine, because they weren’t a central core requirement to play the game.

I didn’t do the platforming style world quests. And that’s fine, because they weren’t a central core requirement to play the game.

There exist things in this game that I’m not good at. And that’s fine, because none of them are a central core requirement to play this game.

But Dragon Riding…

IS a central core requirement to play this expansion.

And I’m not good at it.

If you are. Great. Have at it. Soar to your hearts content. But for christ sake! If I can’t navigate the sharp turns or keep crashing into trees… and that is going to gimp THIS WHOLE DAMN EXPANSION…

Then Dragon Riding SUCKS!

So give us a life line.

I’d even be willing to bet that if Blizzard made regular riding available again, within a few short days… NO ONE would be sticking to “gliding” around the map.


Blizzard is still trying to prove that if you give people no choice, they will play the game the way Blizzard wants them to play it and git gud at whatever they were struggling with before. Only then will devs have the playerbase they think they deserve, after millions of casuals get on the eternal hamster wheel of competitive gameplay because of this game mechanic.

People always have a choice.

In the end Blizzard will have the playerbase it deserves.


Please point to where I said it was a requirement.

Adding zero substance in a complaint means your complaint will just be ignored since there is nothing to change from feedback “it sucks”.

If there are other threads that align with the OP’s criticism then he should of posted in them adding to those discussions, that is if he actually wants to see change and is just not posting to complain.

People want something for nothing. I got most of my tree done in about 2 hours of casually flying around. Dragon Riding is amazing.

You keep demanding information that doesn’t exist, because “it feels bad to me” isn’t good enough for you. “If you can’t explain to me why you can’t choose to be like me and instantly learn how to get over your physical limitations then your experience is not valid” is nothing but condescending.

Wow used to be a big tent game. It no longer is.

In the end you will have the playerbase you deserve, when the game becomes a tiny esports lobby game with a cult following. That doesn’t have enough subscribers to get regular updates.

Now is the winter of our discount tent.

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I know I would prefer dragonriding being the only mode in terms of pure game design, but for accessibility reasons I understand why it can’t be. Accessibility in the context of motion sickness is imo the strongest argument in favor of conventional flight, the one the devs are most likely to listen to. Hopefully there’s a compromise where both modes can co-exist without one breaking the other.

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Okay honest question if you’re failing the tutorial then. What part are you having trouble with?

None of those work for completing the quest that is required to progress the campaign.

My recollection for those quests is you don’t actually need to use any of the dragonriding abilities. Just walk forward off the edge and use the mouse button to keep the target rings centered in your screen.

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Then explain to everyone here how Dragonflight can be fixed from “it feels bad to me” to “it doesn’t feel bad to me” because no one here nor the developers are psychic and can read yours or the OP’s mind.

Let’s say the make a change, any change, to vogue “it sucks” feedback, how in the world will they know the change had anything to do with what made you feel “sucked” about it?

If you ordered an entree at a restaurant and told the waiter “it sucked” they would ask you why: was it too salty, was it missing a side dish, was it overcooked or not enough… screaming back at them “maybe I can’t articulate my feeling’s enough for you” isn’t going to fix the issue so they can bring you what toy wanted.

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I’m not sure I understand the relevance of this criticism in context to dragon riding. Dragon riding is not some challenge mode or elitist-style system that only a percentage of players performing at higher levels engage with. There aren’t any high stakes involved. It’s just a new way to explore the world.

Not only that, but it doesn’t seem like people hate it as much as you think they do. General consensus in game is that it’s a blast.

If you don’t have information as to why you don’t like dragon riding, then how can you actually say that you don’t like it? There’s a root cause for your dissatisfaction with the system. If you can’t identify what that issue is, then perhaps it’s not an issue with the system but your predisposition towards not liking it.