Anyone who says that balance is bad right now is honestly out of their mind

Classes have never been this balanced. The fact that literally every single spec can do +25s or higher or clear mythic Sylvanas is insane.

Balance has never been better. Prove me wrong.


Good reassurance thread. Ten more of these and you’ll actually believe wow is in a good place right now.


I didn’t say that wow was in a good place. I said that classes are remarkably balanced.


that’s rad if true.

Thank god someone finally said it. People look at dps rankings and if they see their spec at the bottom they rage before taking the time to actually read the chart.

The problem is that this mentality plagues the forums. “Oh the number one guild in the world isn’t using my spec in their world first run? Welp it must suck time to rage on the forums”


I find it hard to believe that people think Imbalance is unplayably bad right, especially compared to the old Vanilla days where Ret Paladins and Feral Druids would straight up be laughed out of raid groups.

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It makes me wonder how many of the people actually watch world first guilds do their fights?

They very much lend themselves towards wild strategies, and akward class composistions to min-max very specific things.

Generally speaking these things are best experienced on a curve over time.

And as someone who frequently pugs their own groups and raids, I’ll basically take any class/spec in the game if you don’t mess up mechanics.


Equal balance is impossible to achieve anyways. People have that pipe dream of everyone doing exact equal damage in all areas and it’s crazy talk.

There’s always going to be a best and worst, and specs have different strengths in different situations, but if the margin between them is relatively small then it’s totally fine. Which it is, everyone’s very much viable in anything. This isn’t vanilla where some specs were banned from content for actually being useless.

People complaining usually comes down to “buff my own class to be OP!” or “nerf the guy that killed me!”

Yeah it’s a problem. Average players will deny certain classes/specs and augment their raid composition based off what the top 0.1% of guilds are doing which is just bonkers.

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Personally I can’t comment on that topic, but I will say from observation that ‘a lot of people’ tend to cry ‘balance is bad’ when their favourite spec isn’t doing GODLIKE damage or healing.

I repeat though, I did not write EVERYONE so as to avoid people misunderstanding and misconstruing my point into thinking I’m talking about that person specifically which I’m not.

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If my memory serves, The Guild that got the world 1st kill on Mythic Kil’jaden in Tomb of Sargeras rerolled almost entirely from Trolls to Goblins.

This was because they needed their generally immobile ranged DPS to be able to reposition quickly. So their strategy revolved around the Goblin Racial.

I Guess ANY OTHER RACE is UNPLAYABLE for that patch. Thanks for making me reroll Blizz!
/s /s /s

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Mannnnn I hate people that start conversations like this, whether they’re right or wrong.

At least they didn’t run out of time work on a class this expansion like they did in Legion. Shaman got seriously screwed back then.

A couple of dps specs definitely require being carried by groups at 25. There are also certain mechanics that become increasingly difficult without immunes or very very specific comps.

25s probably not the best example to use as a blanket statement.

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Compared to past expansions
 yeah, class balance is probably the best it’s ever been. It’s not quite where it should be yet, I think, but it’s a huge improvement. And honestly that’s pretty impressive considering how much borrowed power they introduced this expac.

Now if only they could have balanced covenant abilities this well. >_<

I liked Casino Warrior. It was my favorite incarnation of Enhancement Shaman we’ve gotten to date.

But, I acknowledge and agree with the fact that it only got half the development it needed and was slowly pieced together over Legion and BFA. It was a product of Blizzard cutting corners.

Now we backpedaled hard and we’re back to something closer to Warlords of Draenor. I would’ve prefered the Legion & BFA style got continued development.

To be fair, 30s get 1.469 times as much mob hp and damage as 25s. So I wouldn’t exactly call M+ balanced at the high level, the best composition including a feral druid has done 2/3 as well as the best composition not including a feral druid.

People who are capable of doing 28s can carry in a 25, in fact a 3 level difference is a 1.08^3 = 1.259 about 5/4th difference in difficulty. So if four people can output the damage and healing in the same way that they would in a level x+3 dungeon, they would be as powerful as five people in a level x dungeon.

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You don’t have to be out of your mind to post on the GD.

But it helps.


In bfa, every spec could clear plus 20 keys if I remember correctly. I wouldn’t say bfa was close to being balanced. I don’t think it’s a good metric to go by.

If there are specs that literally make a dungeon run harder because they aren’t the meta specs, then there isn’t balance.

Ehh, Frost DK could really go for an AoE damage buff. Cleaving is supposed to be their niche, but when everyone got some abilities removed from the AoE cap, we got left behind a little bit. I think Unholy did too but I am not sure. Not to mention they nerfed our utility for no reason as well.

There are certainly some specs such as Feral, Frost, and Unholy in the DPS category alone that could use a round of good buffs.

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