@Anyone that says Sharding is not noticeable

11/02/2018 08:23 PMPosted by Aranhod
Love the reaction from this guy (and his chat): https://clips.twitch.tv/AbstemiousRamshackleDogeBloodTrail

This is both hilarious and heartbreaking.
No one, I mean, NO ONE, likes phasing, even in BFA. And if in BFA you can expect it, well in Classic you DONT expect it, because it has never been there, and it's totally game breaking and immersion breaking.
This is a BFA experience, it gives BFA vibes, not Classic vibes.
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11/02/2018 08:07 PMPosted by Vafarre
Reposting because it needs be said as much as possible:

Pay attention to that streamer's face when everyone in front of him disappears. Game development theory tells me that on paper sharding is good. That guy's face when sharding happens? That tells me that theory needs to be kicked to the curb. HARD.

All those people that disappeared? Each of those was a chance for social interaction. He could've started a conversation in /say. Chatted with a fellow Classic vet about the old days. Chatted with new blood about how much fun they could have if they stick around and give the game a chance. Found a questing partner. Found a guild or guildmate. Made a friend.

Instead he watched the chance for any of those interactions disappear right in front of his !@#$ing face. And he'll never see any of those players again.

This is why Blizzard is %^-*ing up, and !@#$ing up hard. I'm not even gonna sugar coat it.

A post which cannot be posted enough times. +1

In a game which relies heavily on community and social interaction, this has no place. Vanilla and sharding cannot coexist.
So sharding is in classic? Well looks like I may have to skip vanilla if it's a thing. This was not in vanilla!!
11/02/2018 08:09 PMPosted by Lokubi
Occassional sharding so you don't have Iron Forge lag is going to be ok. They're not intending on using it unless it causes lag and issues in the area. That's a perfectly acceptable solution that should minimally impact gameplay.

No. Just No.

Lagforge was part of the Vanilla experience, learn to play it or don't play Classic.
11/02/2018 08:10 PMPosted by Dirtybird
This needs to be stickied.

To the front door at Blizz offices.
There has to be a middle of the road solution to server load that does not involve a magic disappearing act.
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11/02/2018 08:09 PMPosted by Lokubi
Occassional sharding so you don't have Iron Forge lag is going to be ok. They're not intending on using it unless it causes lag and issues in the area. That's a perfectly acceptable solution that should minimally impact gameplay.

yes, it is game breaking because we all know that sharding will take over the entire game and become permanent.

Then it's good luck in finding groups for dungeons because there was no dungeon/raid finder. It was /1 and /2 ...the community TALKING that formed groups.
11/02/2018 08:09 PMPosted by Lokubi
Occassional sharding so you don't have Iron Forge lag is going to be ok. They're not intending on using it unless it causes lag and issues in the area. That's a perfectly acceptable solution that should minimally impact gameplay.

It's not okay even in that case. I remember lagging in Org and everyone running around yelling "LAAAAGGG" and saying stupid stuff. It was amazing. Sharding has no place in this game.
Man, if they had just paid a few more dollars for the servers with slightly better hardware....
If they stick with vanilla server caps, it won't be an issue. I played a fresh start that peaked at around 11-12k. It was horrible. I've also played fresh starts with only 4-5k, not nearly as bad. If they stick with the 2.5-3.5k, it won't be a problem.

Then again, it is starting to look like they are now targeting retail players. As much as I was looking forward to classic, I have a feeling sharded mega servers are going to be what we end up with.
11/02/2018 08:07 PMPosted by Vafarre
Reposting because it needs be said as much as possible:

Pay attention to that streamer's face when everyone in front of him disappears. Game development theory tells me that on paper sharding is good. That guy's face when sharding happens? That tells me that theory needs to be kicked to the curb. HARD.

All those people that disappeared? Each of those was a chance for social interaction. He could've started a conversation in /say. Chatted with a fellow Classic vet about the old days. Chatted with new blood about how much fun they could have if they stick around and give the game a chance. Found a questing partner. Found a guild or guildmate. Made a friend.

Instead he watched the chance for any of those interactions disappear right in front of his !@#$ing face. And he'll never see any of those players again.

This is why Blizzard is %^-*ing up, and !@#$ing up hard. I'm not even gonna sugar coat it.

Listen to this guy.
11/02/2018 08:41 PMPosted by BlƔys
11/02/2018 08:10 PMPosted by Dirtybird
This needs to be stickied.

To the front door at Blizz offices.
We all know how it worked out for good 'ol Luther...
11/02/2018 08:09 PMPosted by Lokubi
Occassional sharding so you don't have Iron Forge lag is going to be ok. They're not intending on using it unless it causes lag and issues in the area. That's a perfectly acceptable solution that should minimally impact gameplay.

11/02/2018 07:54 PMPosted by Doolay
Take a good look at this man's expressions before and after sharding...


I rest my case.
Hey, what ever happened to the "request sticky" button/option?

Either way, I really hope this is ONLY a minor inconvenience for the demo, and DOES NOT remain part of the game if or when it launches. I mean, it shouldn't even be in or part of the demo, but anyway...

No, sharding just to avoid city lag is wrong.

Sharding when the game launches to prevent massive issues causing players being unable to even start playing the gameā€¦ is fine. As long as it is temporary.

See? the problem is predicated under the assumption that the game will be unplayable at launch. This is historically inaccurate based on Vanilla, TBC and Wrath launch days. Messy? Sure. Unplayable? Hardly.

No sharding. Period.



Historically impossible to compare.

We will have: Less race options, less starting zones, less servers, and potentially millions of players all trying to kill the same juvenile crag bores or scorpids.

I also approve of limited and temporary dynamic mob spawning.

As it was in TBC and Wrath, with 2 additional starting areas. And the game was perfectly playable. This, again, is assuming the Classicā„¢ launch will have the same numbers as WoTLK (when day 1 numbers were at their highest).


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The issue is potential Wrath numbers at launch. Everyone in the same limited number of starting zones killing the same limited number of mobs. It is not even comparable to the original vanilla roll out where it took months to reach a million subs world wide.