Anyone taking a break from TBC to try New world?

More like crazy world.

more like p2w world amirite


you are right!

it looks pretty garbage but I know I’m desperate enough to try, just like all other other MMO’s over the years. SAD

Personally im just tired of MMOs that are released solely as cash cows. Getting exhausting at this point. Whats wrong with making a game just because you want to make a fun game?


Just wanted to point out you were calling a game that wasn’t even released dead, man you look extremely foolish at best and it’s always best to wait to see. That might be too much of an ask the whole being a reasonable person dosen’t seem to be your thing.

K did you miss the part at the bottom of the post saying I was mistaken? How is that unreasonable? Thats literally the definition of reasonable being able to change ones view based on further info.


Are the debate police going to show up and arrest us if we don’t?

dude you owe amazon an apology

People upset over Bobby shouldn’t be running to Jeff Bezo’s house to play games imo.

That one right there officer! :point_right:


No but its intellectually dishonest to make extreme claims and then refuse to provide evidence.

Well if jeff bezos calls me and demands I apologize to him i’ll do it. Until then i’m not going out of my way to do it.

I don’t think you want that…


I liked your post!


What is this?

Does it hurt?

Going bankrupt sucks and hurts a lot of people.


lol x 2

Funniest thing about that video for me is that I know there’s companies that exist today that still take 8-10 weeks to deliver premiums to their customers.

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hey look another alt from the 1 person who shills new world :rofl:

Already bought the deluxe edition on steam, looking forward to trying something new as opposed to what I’ve been doing for a decade now which is playing games from over a decade ago… Star Wars galaxies, world of Warcraft vanilla/tbc/wrath/retail, ESO, Star Wars the old republic, phantasy star online…

New world doesn’t have to kill wow, although I mean it would be nice if someone forced blizzard to make a new mmo or remake wow although I don’t have faith in their team to design a game that isn’t based on forcing you to log in to keep up instead of the game itself actually being fun.

If it sucks it sucks… but even then I’m sick of doing the same thing over and over again… so playing something new in the genre that isn’t an expansion of a decade+ old game will be fun.

It’s entirely possible to play more than one game… especially when we are at raidlogging status in tbc classic already… I mean I love doing BGs but even that isn’t something I want to do all day.

So play what you want… and enjoy doing it… because time is short (though it may not always seem that way) and fun is what we are all searching for at the end of the day.

Side note… I believe the developers of new word delayed their game by about a year in order to change things and redesign things… can we say blizzard would do the same? One of the biggest recurring complaints I’ve seen after playing this game is that blizzard does not listen to feedback, that they launch expansions fully aware that in game system are broken and will not age well… and the proof is in the pudding, WoD, Legion, BFA, and shadowlands… all launched with in game systems that everyone complains about before hand, and by the time they are “fixed” they are ready to launch a new money grab with all new “systems”… rinse and repeat. I think it’s a good sign that new world was delayed, purely because it shows that whomever is developing it at least cares remotely about the product they are shipping.