Anyone still playing?

Pretty much just chilling and leveling alts at the moment - most of my friends took a break 'til 9.1, many of them because of the initially stingy loot situation. Personally I’d love to play with them regardless, but I can’t say I blame them, either. :stuck_out_tongue:


still playing, working on some alts (as always)
got a new mount this week
plus 4 pets… finally got around to getting my purple murloc, and got the 3 darkmoon balloon companions.

i never have any problem finding ways to occupy my time. :woman_shrugging:

I just got my 5th char to 60. I’m this close to getting my 235 lego for Elemental - and may be able to do it through missions. And I’m enjoying working on my other chars as well.

Still playing, and still playing SL.

Doing this and playing with my wife when she plays.

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I’m not really doing anything productive

Arenas on the alts with my friend’s fresh alts. I have 3 pallies to cycle through and once my friend’s done gearing his hunter and rogue i’ll probably bench the pallies and learn priest for season 2

I’m not engaged as I once was, so I have not completed all the things I normally would have done by now. I do not have to ‘quit’ to show off my disinterest. I am still working on getting all the reputations still!

Aside from the quitters, I wonder how many people are just disinterested subscribers. We will never know, but Blizzard does!


Downed mythic Council of Blood on Monday, and mythic Sludgefist progress is already 80% complete on the following Tuesday.

Gotta get that Cutting Edge.

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Today was the first day of the expansion where i logged in, looked at my character list and just went…“nah, not feeling it”.

There isnt a TON to do at the moment (for me, obviously always stuff to do in WoW). But, i got AotC and KSM, also geared 6 toons to 200+ so im just kinda taking a break until 9.1 now.

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That’s way more hardcore than me. lol
This expansion is incredibly alt unfriendly until very recently, and even then you still have to grind legendaries. I’d rather smash all four CN difficulties on my main for the transmog, and 10 dungeons a week is a heavy investment for Great Vault upgrades. (Laughable that Mythic CN itself is very poor for the GV.)


Weekend casual here. Never play during the week. No one I know is really on, some good friends drifted off to other games.

All that said, yeah I still log on and putter and play and devise ways to have fun. Seems everything under lvl 50 is where the good times are, completely regretting lvling so many alts to max. Wish I left them as they were until I knew what I was in for. Heh.

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Yeah, I basically just did the covenant campaigns on each of them, went through all of LFR to upgrade them to 197 from the massive chunk of anima, got the 190 leggo after 2 torghast runs, and then ill run like 1 M+ a week on each of them.

Now its like, what sounds fun to play on, and I think I kinda just burnt myself out lol

Oh I’m playing retail alright, just not SL. Been doing Order hall questline and once I get legionfall and argus opened I’ll go do BFA from the start.

I enjoy my raiding and doing some legacy content, including playing a few alts with some OP items.

However, I do split my time in other games, namely HotS and Dead by Daylight. (Most of the way to completing the sick Nurse outfit.)

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Not anymore, because I already got my ksm and my aotc. I’m living in classic (trying to level a character) and civilization VI for now.

I’m this close to give up on classic, as I’m bored to my death right now, and go play something else. But I want something old too. Maybe oblivion or morrowind. Or diablo 1.

yeah but only because there are no decent alternative for now :wink:

so when’s that d2 remaster coming?

Nope…today is 9 days I havent logged in.
Been little over a month since I stopped caring about playing.
Im going to be generous and say Ive played 2 hours total in the last 30 days.
No interest at all to play since 9/9.



I log in for maybe two hours a week to do some of the callings, the world boss and a couple of Ve’nari’s weekly quests.

I spend more time in Classic but I’m not on there that much lately either.

Some people have low standards. WoW is great game for people like you. Have fun.


I’ll be playing till the 29th of this month, sadly fiscal issues take priority over wow

I’m still playing SL though I am starting to lose steam.

I really love the the look for the kul tiran druid. I’ve always played the horde , but I made an alliance toon and unlocked the KT and started playing a guardian druid