Anyone still doubting that blizzard didn’t contribute any money to AWC

I encourage you to watch the first 3 minutes of this video at the least. Snutz says they literally told it to him straight up that they were taking their money back.

It’s really disgusting tbh. Now we have proof though that actiblizzard just straight up lies to their audience

Ya it’s been confirmed 100%

I think it’s only the players who are able to make a public statement sadly since I think any employee will get in trouble but sadly this was a situation that Blizzard was totally in the wrong. I think they could fix it by actually just contributing their base pool too at the very least.

It’s just sad because the community clearly is showing an interest but it’s been spat on all year. Last years Blizzcon viewership numbers for WoW and AWC were incredible, even trumping Overwatch. People do want to watch WoW even though it is a hard game to follow… and people do want to support the competition too. But from what I can see it’s the corporate side of things that are just against WoW esports and it sucks because in my experience the esports team for WoW is incredibly passionate, talented, and hardworking.

They have done so much trying to do what they can for players, and really the higher ups are also dumping on them too. Not just the playerbase is insulted, not just the audience but ffs the employees too. I love this game so much but this is sad. I was always inspired by Blizzard and WoW growing up and it honestly sucks to watch this happen. Even the success of Classic is bittersweet, since it shows the passion that USED to exist, but somewhere along the way got lost. I want a better future for WoW and yet it seems across the board in nearly every aspect they are out of touch on what truly makes this game beautiful.


An easy fix to this is for them to just add back the money they do every year. They won’t do it though, and we all know it. Very sad.

They aren’t fixing anything rofl.

They can add the money back, but they’ve boned themselves for any future crowdfunding

the saddest part about this whole debacle is that it doesn’t even shock me anymore…
they’ll get away with it too, it’s enough to cause a lot of outrage but it’s not enough to actually make you quit the game
blizz suits collect their yearly bonuses for another extra free 500k in profits


Considering how fact stuff blows over now a days if they did an announcement saying their OG post was unclear and they wanted to contribute the extra 500k I think people would forgive and forget. Not saying that’s a good thing but yea.

Perhaps I’m 100% wrong though. Either way 500k is minuscule compared to what Activision makes so there is no reason they should have done this to begin with

And they’d still make $1.48 million in profit.

Things must be tight in the WoW esports department if they’re hanging on to their usual $500k contribution to the prize pool. They’re also trying to save money by having some of the initial AWC games played backstage this year (with no commentators and no stream).

Ironically I unsubbed an hour or so before this went down. I’ll be back for next expac most likely or maybe even a future bfa patch, but as of right now I’m out.

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Maybe it’s the difference between the WoW esports department losing money or breaking even.

They saw what happened to HotS.


You guys dont seem to understand how capitalism works

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This is the part that gets to me. Like, dang something like this would have bugged me years ago about blizzard. But, nah… They’re just goons like Bethesda or EA


i know how it works
it doesn’t


I wouldnt really expect anything less from corporate america.


Yeah this is what i dont get. Every year they could’ve added a toy that sings to the tune of over a million in profits for promoting esports and they just ruined those chances permanently.


It’s possible they have been simply losing money every year on the AWC just like with heart of the storm, but they can’t just come out and say that as then it could diminish interest in the event even more, if they at least break even they take a tiny loss they can justify the AWC’s existence.

But blizzard has been going full reee the last few years the real story is they probably just wanted keep their money because 250k is critical for a multi billion dollar company lol

That’s great but they should have said something like “we want to allow players to fully crowd fund the AWC. We will make sure the pot is at least 500k but the donators will be the main contributors”
Not “we are going to add all this money on top of the 500k we are putting down”

That’s assuming a significant number of people bought the toys with the intention of supporting the prize pool. I’d be willing to bet there were a lot of people who bought the toys just because they liked them and didn’t care about the prize pool contribution. I’m basing that on the level of disdain/indifference a lot of the more casual playerbase (especially on the forums) show towards e-sports. Maybe that’s what Blizzard is banking on with this move.

I doubt that because Hots had bad viewership, but taking 2018 for example WoW Blizzcon viewership was better than all their other titles lol


There’s no way Bobby Kotick (Activison CEO) is Christian? This is literally one of the greediest things I’ve ever heard of someone doing. Worse than Bernie Madoff really

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I don’t think this really has anything to do with the topic fam

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