Anyone still doubting that blizzard didn’t contribute any money to AWC

Hate when I get baited into clicking this idiot. Thanks forums for not giving me a thumbnail

??? It’s not bait it’s the only interview we have where Snutz literally says word for word how he got the information. I’m sorry you happen to not like the guy the bothered to get Snutz and ask him the questions we wanted to know???

It does to me. For all the money I’ve invested over the years and all the friends I’ve had sign up over the years, it would be nice to know that that all that money was going to a company with strong morals and core values.
I looked up Bobby Kotic, he’s not Christian by the way

Bobby Blueballs strikes again, continuing to sh*t on the trust of all people who love world of warcraft. How can they keep doing things like this and then watch it blow up in their face? ill laugh when next year their “crowdfund” makes 0 dollars because everyone knows whats up now LMAO. God forbid they PROMOTE THEIR OWN ESPORTS BRAND by putting more on the line for the competitors.

Blizzard… YIKES!

Being a Christian is not a good metric in deciding someones morality.

Don’t want to get off topic though. Yes, I agree. This kind of behaviour is unethical and clearly greedy.

It would be nice to feel that profit wasn’t the single most important thing to Blizzard. The HK thing showed it is on a large scale. This has shown it still is, even on a small scale.

Couldn’t agree more with this post. Lot of questionable decisions coming from Blizzard.

I have read a lot of people saying they are just about money but that never makes sense to me. I know plenty of players who simply stopped playing because of the decline of the quality of the game. I can also say that all of those players genuinely enjoy what WoW used to be and would return. Most of them played Classic at least a month or some are still playing, but they’re all arena players and obviously there is no arena in Classic.

For years Blizzard/Activision has been preying on suckers (players) with virtual crap.
This is just a continuation of preying on you weak people that just buy buy buy with no morals.

You get what you deserve.

The crux of the issue for me is that some bigwig pencil pusher pitched an idea that earned Activision Blizzard 2.6m dollars and made the game worse for the players and that guy undoubtedly got a raise/promotion and a pat on the back.

This is everything that’s wrong with the current game where Blizzard only cares about profit and aim for the low hanging fruit where they make short term decisions for profit that hurt the long term health of the game instead of aiming for the long term health of the game that earns profit and makes the game better.

What happens in 3 years when the toy hype is gone and prize pools become even more pitiful than they are now?

If we are sold a toy that gives blizz 75% of the profit and are told 25% will go to the AWC/MDI prize pool. Yeah they profit massively and we should expect that.

It is a continuation of the greedy money grubbing company we’ve come to know. Fair call.

But for them to then use that fraction of sales to cover their own contribution on top of taking the 75%… like, we know they are greedy. We know they are preying on whales.

I honestly didn’t think they would sink this low.

I dont think we deserve this level of deception. We were already exploited in giving them most of the profit and we do deserve it when we still buy despite knowing most of the money is going to blizz.

But they then used the only fraction of the sales that went to something we wanted to support themselves further.

Like every other bit of “virtual crap” on the store, we deserve to KNOW how much Blizz is keeping and how much is going to a cause.

By you, and others, crowd funding in the first place created this. Whether you had good intentions or not.

It’s THEIR tourney, make them pay for it by not buying this crap.
But you buyers continue to buy this crap, you continue to get what you deserve.

That’s not the problem. Other games do this all the time. Look at this link for dota

The problem is wow you have to buy the box game for every expac AND pay a monthly sub to play the game. Then on top of that they want us to contribute to the prize pool. THEN ON TOP OF THAT they don’t even contribute to their own prize pool.

If you don’t buy a toy, you don’t contribute. So don’t buy a toy.

Yep, we know that now. The trust is gone.
No one will help next year.

Now we know its a toy that 25% of funds will go towards covering Blizzard’s contribution.

Dont buy it. They will both have to pay 500k for the pool themselves and miss out on 2 mil profits from the bulk of toy sales.

They really have shot themselves in the foot.

Looks to me like Blizzard has taken pages out of the Chris Roberts book on ‘How to crowdfund without a soul’.


“No one will help next year” I highly doubt that. I bet half the people bought it because they wanted it not for the cause.

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The next generation of gamers will grow up thinking that outcomes like this are normal.


They just wont hold a tourney then we can all solemnly and finally accept the truth

Even the success of Classic is bittersweet, since it shows the passion that USED to exist

I disagree with that, I think it shows that the passion is still there. I think (and hope) classic’s success was somewhat of a wakeup call for Blizzard. People want to love WoW, but Blizzard just makes it so hard

Well he’s talking about the passion from Blizzard’s end not the players. Of course the players are still passionate about this game and you’re right Classic has really showed that.

Yup exactly