Anyone on server with the achievement, Drop Dead, Gorgeous?

Hello! I’m making this to see if there are any crafters on server with the feat of strength for t3, a friend and I are interested in making some of the sets, but we don’t know anyone who has the achievement required.

If there is anyone on server with this willing to help, or if you know anyone, let me know here!

I know this has been a bit of a quiet server in recent years, but I’m hoping some people with a full set of t3 are still kicking around here. :wave:

I know this is nearly a year old now and you’ve either already found someone or gave up, but for any others who stumble on this post, I just got this achievement and can craft the tier 3 repair tokens. Neher-Turalyon for cloth and Cylipse-Turalyon for plate. Still acquiring leather and mail.


I have no idea how this could work*(even the process, I’m still trying to figure it out lol…)*
Since we are from different realms/faction…but yeah, I need those priest shoulder.

I’m not entirely sure how personal craft orders work cross realm, but as a test, I tried sending your character one and it said “Player does not exist.” I know they work cross-faction, however. Maybe crafting orders can be sent between “connected” realms, and maybe they can be sent to other realms in the same “battlegroup.” However, Turalyon and Moon Guard share none of these.

For me to get the 2 crafting orders I needed, I actually used a character I’ve had sitting for years on another server that was high pop submit the orders publicly. Fortunately they were filled pretty quickly. (I had no luck with this on Turalyon.) With the two crafting items complete on a different server, I farmed the two lamented pieces from the Naxx tokens, and then used the crafting items on those pieces to create the Bind-on-Account pieces that I then sent over to my main server (Turalyon) to complete.

It was a convoluted process, but it worked. If you play on a server that doesn’t have anyone filling these crafting orders, you essentially have these options:

  1. Transfer a character with the materials and gold to a server with someone offering to craft the tokens for you. The crafting token is BoP, but once used on a lamented piece, the resulting item is BoA and can be sent back to your primary server. Ideally, with this method, you would also want to have the lamented piece(s) on the transferred character so they can immediately create the BoA token to send back to your main. Otherwise, you’re stuck farming the lamented pieces on the transferred character.
  2. Level up a character on the server with the crafter, farm the materials, and make the crafting order. This method doesn’t cost real life money (like options 1 and 3), but, of course, takes longer.
  3. Buy a second account, make a character on the crafter’s realm, trade that new character the materials/gold from your main character, then make the craft order. The resulting item is still BoP, but you can freely trade from your main server the lamented tokens you farm so that you can use the crafting item on it for the BoA piece. (Note that option 3 is now a possibility due to cross-realm trading Blizzard implemented a couple patches ago.)

I chose option 3 because I had an old, inactive account lying around it and it was only 15 bucks to reactivate, versus the 25 to transfer a character.

Honestly, it’s still very difficult to get the original T3 pieces even with the Old Naxx changes they made last year. You need to get lucky and either already be on a server with the crafters, or you need to find a way to get your materials on and off another server. If Blizzard ever implements fully cross-realm crafting orders, this issue will largely become moot.


Oh, thanks!

I haven’t made it yet but there are two people I know of for sure who have the achieve, I’ve just been off & on farming trying to get the Priest set made. Tyvm, nearly forgot I had made this post! :grin:

Might hit you up for the cloth set eventually, can’t remember if those two worked on the cloth pieces.

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Thank you so much for that wall of answers.
I really appreciate the guidance.

I’ll start my farming journey…You will hear from me, or an alt, eventually! <3

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