Anyone miss the old Chaos Bolt Animation?

Bring back old chaos bolt animation!!! From WOTLK/MOP
and bring back incinerate as well. These modern animations are crap in comparison.


YES but mostly incinerate RIP :frowning:


yeah that too was better…

i miss old shaman lightning bolt animation

new one sucks


Same goes for many classes, divine storm used to look really nice, judgment also had its nice animation.

The sounds are probably even worse, hunter/feral/shadow priest sounds are among the most boring things they could have come up with, it’s all just woosh woosh.


Old cb old incinerate. Old templars. I miss all the old rogue sounds and animations same with mage. Savage roar was my fav sound in the game, new feral animations r pretty meh esp the sounds :confused: at least as fire cat i get dif animations

Have you ever thought about how cool the old demonbolt looked and how the new one looks like it’s from the movie Pixels?


No, actually the new chaos bolt animation got me to play warlock a bit in BFA. Old animations were pretty meh.


I don’t play Warlock much, but when I did I LOVED the zig zag incinerates as well as the dragon face chaos bolts. It look visually scary when that chaos bolt came for you.


When Blizzard was doing updates to spells and stuff I thought they said they wanted to preserve the old style with new updated animations. Yet the completely ditched the whole dragon effect on bolt which was a weird move. Also MoP incinerate was bis


I miss old mortal strike and colossus smash animations too, ripppp

I hate the new sounds and animations for many classes. It’s not nostalgia or rose colored glasses for me either.

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I miss old cs so much. Literally was so sick

stormstrike animation + sound for me

oh and windfury particles


These aren’t the same.

I miss wotlk.

MoP can piss off. MoP was the big wobbly noodle. Wotlk was the sleek green lance of death.

Yeah. Incinerate is seriously awful these days.

While they’re at it, they should just put immolate back on Omni-Cast animation.

It just feels wrong to not be casting immolate like this for me.

Could fix targeted cast for undead male too while they’re at it. Too bouncy, hate how wobbly everything is. Left arm extends too far backwards.

Worst part is this is old enough that incinerate still looked better than it does now.

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I miss so many old animations. It’s crazy how much better so many were – like, objectively, in many cases.

Old Shadowform was a million times more iconic than the current version.

And who remembers old Typhoon? Not only did it used to have a huge tidal wave animation, but the knockback effect was actually decent then too.


I forgot old typhoon. Modern one is like a little breeze. Lameee

you’re cracked, the new chaos bolt is 1 billion times better.

New incinerate is trash though.

More importantly, old sound for sinister strike =/


while we are at it, can we bring back the old shaman ascendance storm blast lightning from star wars instead of these flying fart saucers we currently have?

Old divine storm animation was honestly the cleanest and most defining ability of ret, and they in legion they changed it to 3 wonky hammers doing a 360 around you in 0.5sec.

I also miss Cataclysm Templar’s Verdict sound

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