Anyone level alts through Shadowlands?

No way. I can’t stand that intro questline in Shadowlands. I wish they remove it.

And I don’t understand why can’t fresh lv70 or 60 ignore the intro questline in Shadowlands. It’s so dumb.

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Even wod cart on rails start is more tolerable, imo.

I had my draenei lock pick wod. It seemed fitting. and I have the horde lock who did legion order so that is covered. Wod or legion are usually my go to’s.

Coming from classic play…changed perspective on WoD’s hour or so run through the WoD start. its varied and humourous.

I only see 99.

Khadgar goes I guess we owe you 1.

Little things make me go “and this is why I like being here sometimes”.

To answer your questions OP, no you can’t do it all in Revendreath, unless you want to level through 3-5 world quests each day. Doing that though would take so long that it would just be better to do something else.

As for the leveling experience…it’s probably bottom 3 in my personal experience. The intro is soul killing with how long and drawn out it is, and the quest design in shadowlands really felt like the ultimate objective was to boost playtime metrics. The story is very much lacking and lacks conclusion because all of the zone stories were shoved into the covenant questlines. Shadowlands also just lacks a lot of the charm of the setting. It feels almost like playing a different game with a WoW crossover.

If I were to rate the leveling experiences, it would be

  1. MoP
  2. Legion
  3. WoD (would be higher, but I’ve done it so many times because it is the most efficient)
  4. BFA (could be higher depending on if Horde or Alliance)
  5. Cata
  6. Wrath
  7. Shadowlands
  8. BC

nah, i like to level my chars on the classic cataclysm revamp zones


I did bring some alts there and but it felt kind of slow, so I leveled elsewhere. If you start the alt with both mining and herbalism, there are a lot of nodes in Bastion that help with xp, though, and no one seems to be farming them on my realm. The main reason to go SL would be to build up a different covenant if you didn’t do all 4 of them originally.

Yea the only reason im going back there is for some mounts

I leveled through SL and random BGs. It REALLY sucks having to do the zones in order again, but whatever. Wasn’t as bad as y’all are making it out to be.

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I managed to get a hunter to 65 just shooting Bastion NPCs for fun on my lunch breaks.

I came here to read if people had done it for transmogs and now I’m annoyed because I only would’ve done it to get venthyr and necrolord sets. Kyrian is awful. Who thought that was a good idea? :sob:


I played Shadowlands when it was current. I have no desire to level there again. The zones are beautiful and the covenant stories were good but it’s a one and done for me.


I did redridge to loch modan to smv for a wee bit, established two posts in talador. Did all the quest in skettis then gorgrond to cap.

I literally only level via dungeon finder


What’s sad though is that it really could be. Give veteran players an Intro Skip and let us pick a zone. At LEAST two of the zones are cool.


What in the wide world of sports does this even mean? Who thinks that calling out an objectively terrible expansion is going to get them any kind of “clout”, let alone clout with anybody who matters? If anything, it’s telling that you think that this is something that people would try to “get clout” over, lmao. Get some fresh air and take a break from social media, bud.


I’m doing it with all my alts. Latest materials other than Dragon Isles etc. I always like leveling in current -1.

ever since they disabled threads of fate for less-than-60th level characteres(the feature that let you level alts through world quests and bonus objectives and skip the plot) it’s kind of depressing leveling alts through sl. i say that as the person who thought up sl, by the way.

then again, it was pretty depressing leveling alts in sl already.

i did a bad job thinking up that exp. sorry. i suck at life and everything. god my life sucks.

Nope, not me!


You thought it up?


I leveled one though SL. I absolutely hated the first zone, Bastian. It drove me nuts. But the other zones are pretty cool. Really enjoyed Ardenweild (sp?) and Ravendreth. Ravendreth just gives some awesome Castlevania vibes and Ardenweild has a great storyline going for it along with just the look and feel of the place.


RIP my poor Maldraxxus.

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