Anyone leaving SOD for cata classic?

There comes a time where the ‘classic’ rerelease of expansions should end. That was at WotLK.

Imagine them releasing BfA or Shadowlands classic…

Will be playing both. I didn’t spend 5 years on my classic toons to quit in wotlk. Cata PvP is fun and SoD is fun for being an enhanced version of classic. That being said, I’m more excited for when MoP classic comes out.

Have you seen wat is arena in retail? It’s a total mess. Solo shuffle basically killed it stone dead.

No. Ive played cata before.
Never played SOD
Will only leave for something new, but i will get back to sod

No but that Egyptian zone was amazing

Ill play both. Plus retail

The worst feature of cata was that the entire old world was deleted basically. LFR was released at the end of cata in 4.3 but maybe we just forego that whole debacle this time. Im so hyped to step into firelands again.

Killed the game? Tell me you cant dodge mechanics without telling me


Updating the world was cool.
Updating the world to … gestures vaguely That was not cool.
(Particularly the undead aesthetic…that was an awful direction to take them.)

You typically leave the waiting room when what you’re waiting for is ready.

Never even thought I would. Im baffled theyre even doing cata.

Based on this response I can only assume you were not there back in 2010. Cataclysm is when WoW went from a mega sensation to a mid game. Entire guilds quit the game after playing 40+ hours a week for years. It was cataclysmic, you might say.

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no thank you

Im leaving the Earth because everything isn’t the way I want it and I’m very important to myself.

/Hell nah.

I’ll play it, but I’m not leaving SoD. SoD is the most fun I’ve had in WoW in a very long time.

Ahhh, no. That’s when things went sideways.

Absolutely. I loved Cata when it was retail. SoD is a fun diversion, but to me it doesn’t compare to Cata

The only thing going for SoD is how easy it is to get into but once you do you quickly realize how little it has to offer.