It happen everytime i turn in quest and it last for a second or two. Its getting real annoying and i want to know what is going on it didn’t happen before the update so something must have been broken.
Yes, I am experiencing the same. I thought it was just me. But it’s as you say, 1-2 second stutter every time I complete a world quest or hand in a quest. If anyone else says they’re getting the same we should move over to technical support.
If i am not the only one blizzard need to check this because its not normal at all.
Getting this too. Turning in quests, killing boss, opening chests, all trigger about a 2 second pause.
Yep, same here. I am also getting a stutter after I kill elite mobs or larger mobs. Doesn’t happen with regular smaller mobs. I researched it and found a few Blizz responses telling everyone to disable addons and clear cache, but people have tried that and it didn’t make a difference.
Huh, I just thought it was because I haven’t touched retail in like 8 months and finally logged in to do the Nazjatar stuffs 'cause you need an item level to get the Deathwing mount.
But yeah it was kind of annoying last night. (Although seriously… item level 300 to full Benthic gear inside of 2 hours of play… talk about a catch-up mechanic.)
People are having issues logging in and DCing. This is probably related.
The lag spikes started with the patch, so probably unrelated to today’s login issues.
It definitely has somethings to do with the patch, because the game didn’t do that before the update.
I was assuming it’s due to an addon needing updated. It’s not the first time I’ve had these spikes after a new patch, and it’s typically addons.
Its not the addon, i removed them all and deleted the Cache folder before starting up the game again and the issue remained.
lots of people are having this issue, there’s a post on the support forum that a hour ago when i replied it had like 40+ people reporting the issue
It randomly stutters for a second or two not sure why
Great, so it’s another thing on their end that probably won’t ever get fixed and they’ll blame on us, like the input lag I’m still having over a year later.
I had thought it was me, since I just started using a gaming laptop LOL. I was like oh man maybe I can’t play retail on it!
I don’t run any add-ons, have replaced the WTF, Cache, whatever folders, and it still does it to me.
Yes, it feels like it’s going to crash.
It also causes 100% spikes on my CPU and GPU whenever it happens. I wish this would get fixed, it kicks my cooling system into emergency mode every time it happens.
I hope kicking the emergency cooling system every quest turn or every other action won’t cause permanent damage.
I am starting to wonder if i should delete the whole game and reinstall, but that would be a bit drastic for just lags.