Anyone Here Play with a Disability

I am friends with a super nice woman who had a stroke many years ago but she runs a really good guild. The average raider in her guild has 20k achive points and the guild has several Feats of Strength plus the guild has almost all of the achievement points as well. It is an ally guild. She is GM and she made her own website to run the guild. So it can be done. I think I still have a toon in the guild even though I kinda dislike the Alliance


I play Alliance.


I used to.
But she hasn’t played in a while.


This is one of the things that I think is really unfortunate about gaming culture. It’s really easy to pick on people and really unload on them, but you never know what their situation is or what disadvantages they’ve had to overcome just to be where they are. There’s an old saying: “Be kind to everyone you meet; they’re fighting a hard battle.” I think the most important thing in MMO is to be a fun person to play with. Someday all of those epics and keystones will be obsolete and meaningless, but the memories of the fun times remain. This is why we play.

For all of the things about the game that we can complain about, I think WoW has done a reasonably good job at providing a wide spectrum of content that people can participate in at various levels of interest, ability, and engagement. Maybe some things are not feasible for everyone at all times, but we see plenty of examples in this thread of creative work-arounds that can minimize the exclusion of people who want to play the game and have fun.

Fantasy games like WoW are something that I hope someday everyone can enjoy, and I think we’re getting there. We all have IRL issues and problems of varying severity; everyone has a secret struggle. Ideally these games can help us set them aside for a bit while we have fun being heroes and killing dragons together.

I appreciate your post, OP.


I’m 52 and use the direction(arrow) keys, to move and turn.

It isn’t due to a disability, I just can’t get the hang of moving with the mouse in games like this.


I got severe nerve damage in both arms and hands. I can only play about an hour before the pain gets to be to much, also it effect my fine motor skills and reaction time. Suck when you are trying to push a button but your hand refuses to work.


I just replaced my keyboard recently cause I broke the space bar trying to clean it. Cut the cord off and gave it to my 3 year old niece to play with cause she always wants to do what the adults do. Didn’t realize til I was about to hand it over that there was no paint left on the W, A, S, D or M keys. I must love the map as much as running!


I agree the Razer Naga has made life really enjoyable and competitive for a lot of people. I also know that for severe limitations you could combine the mouse with Lazy macros and actually keep up with the group or exceed them at times.
Wow Lazy macros are alive and well still

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Wow thats really cool man. My older has severe mental and physical disabilities. Nice to see people do things like that to help others in need.


I play with allergies. Thats an incredible story. I play with three hands.

I have severe social anxiety, memory problems, that make it so no matter how many times I do them, I can never remember the layouts of dungeons, or the fights. It also prevents me from recalling what keys I have spells bound to. Sight problems make it so I can only focus on certain areas of my screen at one time, so I often miss things happening around me. My hearing isn’t the greatest either. With all these problems, I try my best to avoid any group content. I hate the thought of my sucking ruining anyone else’s game play.


Fat Fingered comes close to my Older Fingers …It does limit ones play over-use is my downfall at times. Esp playing my new BM Hunter.


I have a friend who is legally blind (sight is almost completely gone, but not quite) who plays. Also likes to draw of all things.


one of the few things I do appreciate about this game is that its easy enough to play so people like my nephew can play even with his disabilities.
Same kind of thing. Hes only really got one hand that works right. The other has been crippled up from strokes over the years.
WoW is one of the few non console games he can actually do well at.

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Thank you all for replying. I have been playing this game since April of 2005. Over the years of playing I have met some nice people and have enjoyed this game even if I cannot do everything. I know my limitations and accept the fact I will never be able to do everything. I am a very strong willed person who will try my best to try to push myself to do things even though it is hard.


I used to raid with a guy that was a paraplegic. He told us he used voice commands and macros to help him he was a very well played rogue

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Relevant to this - one of the best competitive PvP healers in the world (Kubzy) is effectively legally blind (he has “severe myodesopsia” which presumably interferes with his vision to a significant degree).

I found this out while watching the Spring AWC this past weekend. It’s actually pretty amazing to watch him play though.

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Kudos to everyone who doesn’t let a limitation stop you from doing whataver you want!


When I was younger I used to do everything. My parents raised me to be independent so I can do a lot on my own. As I am older I am more limited but I do not let that stop me. I have always been that person who goes after what I want even though it will be hard. I will always try things and will not give up.


ablegamers org

Here is a site to check out and I know there are other sites to help get ways to over come any disability