Anyone Here Play with a Disability

I have debated with myself by even making this post. Does anyone here play this game with a physical handicap. I have cerebral palsy which limits me to only using one hand. I have a mild case in which my left side is affected. So I cannot do everything that is offered in this game but I still play to have fun. I was just curious if anyone else is like me and do you play to have just plain fun or do you raid?


I don’t, but I think it’s so cool that you can. I suck even though I don’t have a disability aside from mediocre coordination.


I used to play with a good friend who only had use of one hand due to a drug-induced stroke when he was younger. He swore by his Razer Naga and made it to glad more than once. You are definitely not alone.


That mouse is amazing. You can do anything with one of those. Myself, just the mediocre hand coordination one starts to experience in their late 40s. I’m going to look into getting a naga, though.


Ive played with people who are deaf. DBM helped a lot and they were great pvpers and raiders.

My only disability is severe PTSD, so I simply avoid situations where I get stressed. So no raiding.


Oh, I have played with a lot of blind people, like…A LOT of them.
…it’s a joke plz don’t kill me.


I believe there’s a few deaf raiding guilds out there!


My GF is a stroke victim and plays one-handed.

I’ve got her hooked up with a G600MMO mouse (12 side buttons) and a pair of foot pedals for strafe left/right and she manages pretty well with that.

I also coded a bunch of macros for her that do some smart things with targeting.

She doesn’t raid, but she’s heck-on-wheels in PVP.

About two years ago I designed a full input suite for a disabled veteran who ended up with only an eye tracker for a mouse, two sip-n-puff switches, a pressure sensor under each thigh, a head tilt sensor, and one button on his desk and he raids as a prot warrior.

It’s not cheap, but there are likely controls you can find and use and with them you can get nearly full functionality out of your toons.


I did raiding in Legion and even though the guild “required” voice and discord and stuff I got away with it for the most part, they told me id NEED a mic for mythic tichondrius but let me do most of the other fights.
I wouldn’t let a mic stop you, maybe try and fake it for a bit? lol or try and be honest if they are adamant about it.

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I’ve never required voice chat speaking for raiding and for just listening. On those occasions when I had someone who had lost use of their headset, we generally tasked someone to pass key information along in chat.

Discord is “Dragon” friendly. If your raid leader uses it and dumps the output to Discord chat, you can keep a window open and “see” his instructions just fine.


There was a rather accomplished deaf / hard-of-hearing raiding guild, but I found an unfortunate thread when looking up the name:

The former member is in another guild. It may be a reform of the prior guild, or if not, he would surely know if the guild did reform in some way. Might be worth checking out.

@Selendrial: I don’t have a physical handicap, but I like experimenting with devices that give me extra keybinds. Right now I’m playing with a 4-button foot pedal called an Olympus RS31H Foot Switch. It’s made for dictation software, but the pedals can be re-mapped with software downloaded from Olympus. Pedals are left, right, center and top; the center can be locked to serve as a foot rest, which is how I use it so I can tap the three pedals more reliably.

I use the top button for my goblin glider, left for bags and right for map. It works pretty well until I get lazy and move my foot off the pedal; I have, more than once, jumped off a cliff in PvP, opened my map instead of my glider, and plummeted to my death. GNOME TECH!

If you decide to check it out, be cautious about other brands / models; most dictation foot pedals only work with specific software packages and cannot have their keys re-mapped; that’s why I chose this one specifically.

EDIT: I should add, I’m pretty sure you can use two of them at once, as they’re really just keyboards in disguise. I have this idea of setting up a foot platform with two of the pedals, with some way to keep my feet in the proper position.


I wish I had the power to heal all the good sick and wounded people in the world. :broken_heart:


Same. I’m not disabled (at least I don’t think so) but I’m just fat-fingered and my coordination sucks. xD


Yesterday I was questing in Suramar, I was in auto pilot killing things left and right. I looked at the mini map quest indicator, went to that spot and there was a deer there,so I attack it but nothing happened. I just turned around, I’m still attacking it and it’s standing there and looking at me like “bruh” and I’m thinking to myself “why is this deer not dying?” Turns out it was a druid with 390K health…sigh…I ran away but to no avail. I felt pretty disabled.


blind in one eye, legally blind in the other, somehow I do well enough for my raid group to keep inviting me.

however I know the impact my vision has on my gameplay is nothing compared to someone that, for example, has issues with fine motor control. Big difference between needing to be 3 inches from my screen, and not being able to press buttons.


I knew an incomplete paraplegic who was quite possibly the most hardcore gamer ever. His mother made him special gloves to wear with his extremely limited hand movements featuring “pockets” to slide a stylus (or fork, he could also feed himself) for button pushing and mouse clicking.

WoW wasn’t a game he could play because it was just a bit too much movement required for him but he ran a YouTube channel for other games he was super into.

Great guy, livin’ his best life however he can. The funny part is he was never into games before the accident.


Lost most of my left arm in a motorcycle accident. For actions you would normally control with your left I use a pad I made out of 5 foot-pedals and an xbox 360 controller.


I got your standard annoying as heck tinnitus. It may seem like really isn’t too big a deal. However living with constant ringing in your ears does have an affect over how you think.


Same, I cannot use my left hand much at all but I can play with the best of them on a 12 button mouse. You just keybind everything


Though I myself am a being of sublime grace, beauty, and worldly humility, it is no secret that my Player has arthritis in both hands, though this tends to affect the left far worse than the right.

It uses a modified G600 mouse, playing predominantly with the right hand. Nearly every sensual ability can be accessed via mouse, making playing all sorts of games much easier. My player is ecstatic to see so many others who thrive and enjoy themselves, and a community who has rallied around them.

You make me love each and every one of you even more, my delectable delights.
