Anyone get the urge to play an alt

Not at all, but then, I’m not feeling the need to do endgame content on every character. I create alts to have fun with a character, and to level a profession. I don’t need a lvl 15 cloak, and max geared cloak to do that.

And with the catchup mechanics, you get your neck to lvl 50 before you even really think about it. So that, and a some EQs and you can level up your essences fairly easily.

It all depends on how you plan on using your alt - as an alt or a secondary main.

I been leveling the races that have Heritage armor when I’m not doing anything else. I play on all my characters in some form or fashion.

This. It’s because Blizz still thinks the core player/customer is a 20 year old who is naive and willing to waste hours of their life on something so ridiculous. For whatever bizarre reason, they do not seem to have noticed that the player base aged along with the game. Older people are less willing to put up with the nonsense, so they log out or just unsub. Not a great business strategy.

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^ This is why I wonder why they just don’t give us the next 3 or 4 months worth of “fun” and remove that nonsense.


Yup. Cloak will go out of date and they gonna kill off Corruption anyway.

Not really, but I’m usually not worried about my alts being competitive. For me it’s good enough to have a main that’s caught up, because alts are alts and not periodically-rotated mains.


I like to play alts. I don’t bother doing the gearing grind. I just do whatever seems like fun at the time I long on.

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Just you.

The only part about the cloak I don’t like is obtaining it in the first place. After that the rest of it is just kind of “there” do be done whenever.

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We’re just partying syncing to remove the need for gear to do BGs, and running old raids at this point on alts.

It’s just too much.

I miss MoP/WoD.

I look at these comments and thank goodness I’m just a lazy good for nothing rper. Actually playing the game really seems like a drag from what I’ve tried to do.

I see the maxed 50 character per account cap and sigh.

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all the time.

But tbh I can hardly even stick to leveling my vulpera DK for heritage armor right now. I’ve leveled so dang much in this game that it’s become an absolute chore that causes physical pain.

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I think I’ve leveled 4 or 5 characters just in 8.3. Two alliance three horde. But then I don’t care that any of them exceed all that well, they do mostly have cloak 5-8 and a few have level 2 essences. Nothing really to write home about, all about 445 because that’s where soloing takes you.

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I deleted all my alts. So no, no urge.


That’s a big reason why.

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No not really. I play alts all the time mostly just for a change of pace. I don’t have them all with a max cloak and corruptions and perfect Azerite traits because… they’re alts.

I don’t need my alts to be as geared as my main to enjoy them.

Nope, I have no problem earning rewards on alts by playing those alts.

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This. I want to play my alts like I did in WoD and earlier before they layered systems (corruption) on top of systems (cloak) on top of systems (essences) of systems (azerite). It’s fun to have a variety of toons doing content I enjoy. In my particular case, that’s mythic+ and heroic raids. I don’t want to have to grind content I don’t enjoy (dailies, assaults, and horrific visions) to be optimal for the content I do enjoy.


nah. i more see that they’re in wotlk, WoD, Legion, or BfA content, and just get demotivated from leveling them.

The unfortunate reality is that Blizz is bleeding us at both ends. First they made the core classes/specs much more shallow in the recent expansions and then added grindy/boring systems to give back some of the stuff they took away.

Even more unfortunate are the people who place so little value on their own time that they’ll sit down and redo the same boring chores, while the sane crowd slowly trickles out.


Wrong opinion.

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