Anyone found an easy way to farm Flightstones yet?

Yes this is true. But the idea is there, instead of farming all aspect crests and ending up with 300 spare crests and zero stones, you farm the lower ones for super easy stones and just upgrade the crests so you actually have stones to use with the crests.

Once you hit the point you can only use aspect crests you will see how little stones you have. So far every person I have been able to check who has said exactly what you said has been around the normal raid iLVL where you can still use lower stones and upgrades cost less.

250 stones to make the spark.

You can get tons of crests outside of dungeons, now, and you can trade up crests once all your slots are max for that crest. The thing that’s hard to get is the next tier of gear. My main runs like maybe 3-4 dungeons a week and has more crests than gear to upgrade, too many veteran pieces maxed.

I go around and get those little treasure boxes and seeds.

I constantly cap out and have to spend them on rep tokens.

Well i am at that point already… i got 484 overall ilvl.

I got 1899 flightstones and i don’t have anything to use them on, except when i do random dungeons for the call to arms, then if plate items drop and nobody needs i use 70-250 flightstones depending on slot to upg them to epic quality so i cna disenchant them.

But the thing from the start is that i’ve never used bag type items that carry flightstones, unless i actually needed them at that moment, so the flightstones used are from content that drop it raw, like plant farming or instances.

The only reason i used some of them… like green and blue quality bags from superbloom was to free up some bag space. lol

So per short… never use “bags” that have flightstones unless you actually need them, else you’ll hit the cap and anything you get will go over and be wasted.

See now you are at the other end of the scale, all gear capped out. For those of us who are still getting to 483+ we are finding a good shortage of stones compared to crests.

Best way to farm them is to do:

  • seeds
  • random hc or normal dungeons
  • clear the map of quests with FS
  • do mythic + around 2-10 for fast runs and you’ll get extra most of the time +65 more if some1 gains rating… and at those ratings lots will

I didn’t do the 4th one since i didn’t need to.

Raiding gives quite a few.

I finally hit a point mine are stacking up as I am running out of things to spend crests on

If u got several alts:
keep the extra rep tokens and send to an alt bank, when u need flightstones and don’t wanna be forced to run a dungeon just for them, use the rep until u get the paragon.
Lower keys, if at least one person is getting score for that key, up to ~200 flightstones / hour
Emerald dream quests, at least some, not sure all, give around 10 per quest.
Seeds if bloomed give a good amount too.
can’t remember now, but i think those rares(the weak ones) give some too and are easy kill.

My mistake. I just did the weekly again and it was 200. Lesson is, I should never post on here until I’m finished my morning coffee. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like to farm the Zaralek rares.