Lag, Disconnects, unable to log into certain characters? The usual suspects of server disruption?
Edit for a work around: I know this won’t be ideal for everyone because it might cost some money but using a VPN to log in has helped fix the issues I’ve been having 100%
yup all week right now i cant even log into my warlock in valdrak… just sitting at full load bar
I was earlier today–perma-lags and disconnects when hearthing or using a portal.
It’s even worse right now. Trying to log on, get through the character screen, click the toon, get the loading screen that fills all the way up on the loading bar, and then it freezes and just stays there. No disconnect, no follow-through, nada. REALLY getting effing old. Tried several toons, and same thing on all of them. Trying to re-log-on to one of the “bad” toons just gets me that error message about a character with that name already existing.
rolls eyes in sarcastic teenager
eta: Currently have 5 toons stuck on loading screen. Tried ones in different locations, etc. Did the rename wtf-and-interface folders thing. Nothing making a difference. Draenor server (west coast).
Yeah, lotta strange stuff happening lately. Sometimes I can’t get into Zaralek Cavern. There’s a giant rock wall at the entrance. Have flightmasters taking me below the world and NPCs not loading in.
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Three of my characters are currently stuck after trying to load. Was able to randomly get on a fourth, but the other three i just get full load bars over and over til i have to alt f4.
On MG, yes. On Sentinels, no. It’s weird.
Yes, not very fun
I get stuck on loading screen a lot! Then I have to close the window, and then I can’t log back in for 30 minutes.
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Yes, I’ve had long load times, specifically when loading into Valdrakken all week.
Today has been way worse, the game fails to load entirely when trying to go into instances, characters get stuck unable to login, can’t see friends in the open world, etc.
Tich server.
Yeah, one of my characters is stuck in the infinite load screen and the other just seems to have fallen off the edge of existence.
See ya later space cowboy I guess?
Have you tried the self service feature?
yep. it’s been awful all week. eternal load screens, disconnects, “Character with that name already exists”, etc.
radio silence from blizz on the issue. hopefully they fix the problem soon.
last two toons haven’t been able to load for me. it says a player with that name already exists.
I have the same thing on one of my characters. No location is listed and it kept disconnecting. I tried the stuck service but now I just get a message saying the character is unavailable. 
A possible work around I’ve heard is to restart PC. But I’m about to go to bed so I won’t know til tomorrow morning if it worked or not.
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Same issue. 2 characters can’t log in. Funny enough, I hear the sound of a bnet friend logging in. But still stuck at 100% on loading screen. All addons disabled.
Unusually long load times when entering/leaving Freehold.
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This is what keeps happening to my lock, I ended up switching toons last few days until the postmaster returns her from the twisting nether…
I can’t login to any of my characters, and when trying to login to one of them it says, “A character with that name already exists.”
So, yeah, I feel it.
i was just in uldaman when it hit, like 1k+ MS world, home MS was fine, it’s on and off
Yeah, this is been happening to me on occasion since 10.1 launched.