Anyone expecting more allied races beside the Earthern?

I take that with suspicion. They lied about the Vulpera, they lied about BfA being Mists 2.0, they lied about Grommash being the final boss of WoD… so why not lie about the Humanoid Nerubians becoming playable?

I never heard about this. Though I’m unsure if the Taunka would end up as a playable race on their own right or customization option, like with the Darfkallen and Man’ari.

They did confirm that it was going to be happen, but no time frame was given. I think it might be a 11.0.5 feature.

I wouldn’t say they lied per se. I do think their plans change internally, like a lot.

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I get that and we do see how things can change. Like how the Temple of Karabor and Bladespire Fortress were originally going to be the WoD capitals, before being replaced by the Ashran bases.

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More of a winged anole really :man_shrugging:
Needs more savage/buff options…
And current visage form is wack!
Can either be elf girl or elf girly man.

More races and the ability to hide the forehead scales would be amazing.
The dragon run animation is some of the worse in game too.
I say either fix the run or just let them hover.

Except no you didn’t. The only extra story you got was the allied race recruitment quest and following.

So by your logic if the alliance got an allied race recruitment quest for sethrak, horde no longer are eligible.

Logic isn’t hard you know.

Man I hope so. I don’t wanna play another dwarf.

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One of the lest playied races blizzard make another!

Expecting? No. Hoping? Yeah. Would be nice if we got an allied race that wasn’t boring as dirt.


Just makes them feel invisible. Like Void elves on Argus. :world_map::robot:

…also i’m hoping to fulfill my wish to fight each race at their vicious moments. They’re bat druids, it would make cool concepts and weapon designs from that encounter. :crossed_fingers::robot:

Most likely. :8ball::robot:

I got it

A humanoid arachnid race (for the horde) with a racial grapple hook (spider web).

Do Wrathgate quest chain. in Northrend.


Yeah that’s exactly what I was talking about.

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Give me Kobolds or Murlocs, or give me death.

That has the Taunka officially join the Horde, which doesn’t suggests that the Taunka were going to be playable.


faeries - taller, thinner gnomes with large, nearly translucent faery wings and pointy ears with little curly flourishes on the tips. class: faery magic which is a branch of druidism focused on mushrooms, faery dust, sprites and leaves. they dont need a mount cause they can fly and hover. they wear leaf, tulip and other flower hats, robes, pants, shirts, shorts and moccassins made of leaves of various colors and in some cases decorated with fruit or flowers. faery dust can be used to modify their attire, put opponents to sleep, cast spells, hover and fly. they earn attire mods in quests, dungeons and raids, their gear levels up without removing/replacing it . their racial weapons are wands, daggers and small staves. they can summon and camouflage in a tree trunk in outdoor environments, it drops all aggro.

they can heal with faery dust or dps, either as spell casters, rogues or as hunters with sprite faery pets

they live on the outskirts of bellameth in houses carved from the base of trees and grow sprite attracting gardens. dryads maintain the gardens and may ask you bring special herbal plant foods as quests. plant foods range from local herbs to exotic herbs from far away. best profs, herbalism and enchanting



You guys recall how BFA, saw Legion races become playable?

I kind of wonder if we would see a repeat of that, with say the Tuskarr. Like after we’ve helped them, they’ve grown stronger, and decide they want to return the favor and so they send word and then we get playable Tuskarr. Perhaps each faction gets their own tribe.

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I’m kind of hoping we see more titanic races added in like the Mogu for example.


I for one am not convinced that wasn’t a lie.


Playable Mogu would be cool.


Yes, Rajani for the Alliance and Gurthan for the Horde. Give me playable Mogu please :dracthyr_love_animated: