The main difference is that allied races start at level 10, where as core races generally start at 1 and have a leveling zone to go through. While the Dracthyr do start at a higher level, they do have to complete their leveling zone before Azeroth opens to them.
They will if I see its something that would get players working in the expansion to get it. I suspect they saw the fairly negative reaction to the Earthen and are trying to figure out one that will appeal to more people.
I want a rodent race. I mean, think about it: we are underground. There are animals that burrow underground. I thought about this before, and I want a mole person. They put these guys in the expac and I’d be there working for it in a flash…
Foxes aren’t rodents. Foxes are foxes. And they could make them an Alliance race. No reason why we can’t have more than one Alliance allied race, look how many we had back in earlier expacs.
I could see Forest Trolls becoming playable in Midnight. However I can’t image them as neutral. Granted anything is possible, the Horde already has Forest Trolls in them with the Revantusk. So the Amani by themselves are not needed to give the Horde playable Forest Trolls. Though I would like the Amani, or at least a splinter group of them, to join with the Revantusk and allying with the Horde.
Perhaps the Alliance could get the Broken, they’ve sort of been teased with Velen’s offer to Hatuun in uniting their people.
Meanwhile I would love if Ogres became playable and I wouldn’t be surprised if the humanoid Nerubians became playable down the road. I just find them getting a more humanoid model very suspicious. There is also apart of me that wonders if the Alliance would get the Arathi Half-Elves.