Anyone ever get caught in DDOS attacks?

Since Blizzard gets hit about once a month, I was wondering if anyone has ever been caught? My guess is “no”. Of course, if they DID get caught…why I bet Blizz would smack them silly with a 3 or even a SIX month ban!

It’s not like some rando in their basement. You know that right?


Anyone who gets actioned against for denying a business of their customers will face steep fines.

Being suspended or outright banned from the game entirely should be the least of their worries.


Could have just googled this. Yes, people have been caught, and punished for it.


Yea that UK Drillas loser behind the big 2019 attack got arrested, though not sure if it ever resulted in a sentencing.


didn’t Loser Squad cop the smackdown too?

I logged off for the night, than it started.

I found that odd.


Ah…a 2018 article about an attack in 2010… Took them 8 years to catch the guy? Then I have to apologize to Blizz for thinking that 147 druid bots mining 24/7 could be caught and dealt with in under a year.


They need to do this more often, stop letting hackers get away with attacks.

I once got caught DDoSing Dunkin Donuts.

due to issues with laws across international borders, yes… it takes time.

if you can bring the criminals to justice any faster, by all means go ahead and do it.


I don’t think holding up the line because you can’t decide if you want the cruller or the jelly filled is quite the same thing…


People get caught for running botnets all the time, it’s just not Activision that punishes them. It’s an FBI job. I don’t think Activision needs to worry about banning an individual account when the dudes are gonna be watching their soap for 10 years.

I think most of the Activision targeted DDoS attacks are state sponsored from China. The CCP are refining their tools for suppressing US based software companies. Blizz doesn’t even have servers there to ban people from anymore. Doubt any Chinese state actors are playing NA/EU under their real name.


Imagine wanting to win an arena match so bad you end up in prison🤣


Governments are behind some DDos attacks. Is it too much of a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory to think some attacks are “test runs”? I’ve seen news reports about Russia conducting cyber warfare against the Baltic States. I also seen where some DDos attacks have originated in North Korea. Living here in the USA, I doubt if we hear of covert cyber attacks carried out by this nation.

Why would a nation state waste resources on DDoS when there’s no financial gain, it just exposes any botnets they have that could be used in a real attack. If anything they’d be trying to steal IP as quietly as possible.

I feel like Blizzard’s blames a lot of their outages on DDoS, despite the FBI shutting down a huge network of the pay to DDoS ones last year that accounted for a huge portion of the DDoS attacks over past few years.

If I ran the game I would IP trace them. have them fined and then post their names with their faces on the forums and publicly humiliate them in addition to fining them for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I played WoD. I got caught in the mother of all Blizzard DDoS attacks.

about your DDOS attack today.

most people who do this mask their ip addresses’s.