Anyone else upset that they are removing skeletons from the game?

I am nochanges. Not going to let a video game make upset.

Do you want to see gold selling sites advertising in trade chat? Better get rid of chat.

The reason is nothing but laziness and it takes away something really cool from the game.


If anything, this can actually make the Nesingwary camp even more deadly and deceptive. Lack of skeletons hides how bloody the area really is.

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Imagine implementing RCR but then removing this


It was cool on PvP servers seeing a wasteland of skeletons and realizing maybe this area in stv is not the best place to be atm. But really, no. I don’t mind them not being there.

yeah one of the nuances of the game I will miss.
Could you imagine what the scene of a great wpvp battle on Herod would look like.
I remember such a scene where a pile of bones stretch from stormwind trade district to goldshire in the most epic wpvp battles I ever had a chance to participate in.
Players who missed it and saw all those bones lamented missing such an event as the bones reminded everyone for the rest of the time they laid there of the epic event that had occurred.


Ya really. The skeletons really helped make the world feel more alive (or dead). The random events really help bring the game to life, and having a record of that is just really neat to see.

Wow I said really 3 times…


Laziness would have been making no changes.

You can report spam in the chat box to get rid of it so that, if nothing else, you don’t have to look at it. You cannot report a skeleton. lol

I do agree that it was a cool feature though. I was a bit bummed when I first read it but decided that it ultimately wouldn’t effect my enjoyment.

It is a solution to a problem that won’t exist for me.

I can’t imagine dying in this game. That is for casuals.


Just like layering, there is a solution.

A script could be implemented that randomized the XY anchors for each skeleton in the database giving the skeletons a disorganized appearance.


I had a similar thought instead of a full skeleton randomly place bones and skull in a general area say 5m circle no way to line them up just a random scattering of bones.

as later waves of compatents ran over the skellies they would naturally move around into a random assortment of parts and pieces right.

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it bothers me there isn’t a channel that reaches everyone

Longest a corpses lasts is 6 minutes. And disappears when logoff of that toon happens. So when mass reporting of those toons happens advert gors away. Skeles stay regardless. And its not like you die a second time no more skele drops at all. Your skele just moves to the new place you die

It was a really cool feature of WoW that kind of made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

If they have reasons, that’s cool. I don’t WPvP for skeletons, though they do look good in Blackrock Mountain.



I mean I’m also not looking to be upset with something like you people.

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It happened rarely, and I always found it funny when it did, personally.


Nope don’t care

Let me start off this thread by saying thank you Blizzard, your Classic team has done great work bringing Vanilla back to life and we are all grateful.


The skeleton despawn change is very disheartening to see as an avid world pvper.

You will see screenshots currently be posted on various social media platforms of landscapes littered with skeletons, a living(?) testament to the ever waging war between the factions.

It made the world feel dangerous, It made you question whether you wanted to walk down that path littered with bones or turn back for safety.

We’re told that such a classic vanilla experience must be changed because of gold sellers? I strongly hope that you reconsider your position.

You have many tools to deal with the Susans of the classic world, please don’t ruin the experience for the Tom, Dick and Harry’s of the world with this “fix”.


Give us the skeletons you cowards.


No bones about it, pretty lame excuse rather than fix the problem.