Anyone else think its inappropriate?

You’re the one who keeps bringing it up, not me. And thanks for categorizing me with Tupak and Preheat. :expressionless:

You have a point. :wink:

yeah, I wouldn’t mind giving my money but big old “Blobby” is still dipping his greasy fingers into other’s lives and taking their money essentially. More reason why I ain’t contributing if he hasn’t. Plus, this includes him tax evasions too. So I’m less inclined to donate.

It is classic and we don’t know in doubt if they actually go to these donations (especially if you trust Bob’s greed).

Just as it is not known if the Make-a-Wish Mischief donation actually came to be, which is the largest sum that was made more than the latter.

But if I’m angry it’s because the Make-A-Wish did not do the same as the monkey…

Come on… A monkey that is easy to get in Stranglerthorn is worth it, he gives us a gift for the collection obtained, but for the kitten they don’t give anything and incidentally it was greater than this.

How ridiculous Blizzard, how ridiculous.

Read this comment again.

I didn’t imply or say you are like Tupac or Preheat, i said i have to tell you this, like i had to tell preheat and tupac. Also, i will cop to my mistake here, it’s Trueecross i’m thinking of, not these two. I’m comparing the past experiences i have with phrase he said multiple times but never be actually done with it. It is not my intention to categorize you as that and i apologize if i did. It’s general advice i’m giving to you. But i don’t think it’s wise for you to be quick to assume the worst of intentions in me.

I think you should take your own advice and move on from assuming the worst of intentions on people and maybe have a dialog with them instead. :confused:

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in what way ? are you just making stuff up or parroting other conspiracy theories ?
Total $ that Blizzard makes from this charity drive $0
Total $ that Blizzard can write off from this charity drive $0
Total $ that goes through Blizzard’s systems from this charity drive $0

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That is the magic sauce a lot of times. Getting other people to pay the bill when you can easily do it keeps you rich…hic!

i get the feeling you have no idea how this whole thing works…
there is no pet to buy.

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He runs the company, he is responsible what he does with the money. And if you HAVEN’T heard, the company did a complete tax evasion a year or two back and not only that, got tax credit. Look it up.

Oh, good sir… it was sarcasm. I know you weren’t actually doing that. :kissing_heart:

And what does this have to do with this charity drive that is being discussed ?
Yes many companies find tax loopholes and use them to pay less taxes (many citizens do also) that’s just good business.
The current topic is about the DWB charity drive and the free pet given to everyone even if they did not donate ( due to the fact that they have no idea who did and did not donate).
Please explain how me giving money directly to doctors without borders can help Blizzard’s taxes ?

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Yea that was my mistake, I assumed it was another charity pet. Still, no one knows if you donated or not. How can you be pressured into donating in this circumstances? Some weird attempt to obtain a sense of self worth?

We both can play the same exact backpeddling game here of “Oh it’s just sarcasm”, but it’s clear that you are being serious, which is why you bought that comment up to begin with and after i corrected you about it.

It really excuses nothing if you say “oh it’s sarcasm” or “oh it’s a joke”. Saying that just comes more of a dodge to dialog. Maybe instead of dodging, you have a dialog?

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The point being is. I ain’t donating on BEHALF of Activision Blizzard, a company that has committed these things. They shouldn’t be asking us to do it for them. I’ll be more inclined if they showed they are keeping tax money if it meant donating it.

you’re right.

nobody is being pressured.

the only reason anyone would have that opinion, is to attempt to drum up fake outrage.

it’s the trendy thing to do around here :slight_smile:

I hear what you’re saying. I imagine the most powerful (either in a good way or bad) social pressure is the subtle, subconscious stuff people don’t even realize they’re participating in. It’s insidious.

I have only a vague sense of what Bobby does for Blizzard or why people are salty that he gets paid to do it, but it does seem like a dollar match would have been cool, whether it came from Blizzard or from Bobby personally (or even both, and triple the amount of user donations!).

I also haven’t really paid attention to pet content in several years, although I do remember once hanging out in STV for a rare monkey pet to spawn there so I wonder if I already have this pet or a clone of it anyway.

Fun times.

I also did not, I donated directly to Doctors Without Borders to hopefully get out the other side of this Global Pandemic. I am happy that Blizzard a) brought this charity to light for me to donate to and b) allowed me to get a gift in the game I play for doing so.

Yes without the charity drive I probably would not have donated, but even then I would still have gotten the pet just like everyone else can now.

We are not donating ‘for them’ we are donating to Doctors Without Borders and Blizzard is just allowing us to get free gifts for doing so with no monetary , tax or other incentive on their part.

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Saying “it’s fake outrage” is just a dismissal tactic to shut down any convero about anything. Historically, it never really did. Infact if anything, it only amps the convero.

With that particular windfall, it’s more likely he’ll set himself up a charitable organization of his own (ala chan-zuck initiative) rather than give a bunch away to other orgs. That way it can remain in his family and if they do just enough charity he can be tax exempt and keep his kids from big inheritance taxes.

Also, someone correct me if I’m wrong, but donating to a company for charity that they pass along, they get the tax deduction and we don’t? If so, maybe they should just leave us out of it and donate that for their tax deductions on their own.