Anyone else play Swtor?

Did they ever make space battles a big thing in this game? That was the main area I thought they neglected when I first started.

They tried adding in a fighter type pvp mode but I don’t think it ever really took off. Their solo base space missions where pretty fun for a while.

I’m noticing a trend with other MMOs.

The majority of them are top tier when it comes to leveling and storytelling, but at soon as you reach max and start the end game, that’s when the game takes a nosedive.

Not to say end game is terrible in other titles, just that many of them are not worth holding a monthly sub for. More like a 2-3 month experience of leveling some characters until you decide to close your account until the next expansion releases. Singleplayer games with a monthly sub would be an accurate assessment.

Edit: I’m aware that SW is f2p

Perhaps people are looking for something other than endgame?

Honestly, I haven’t had a good leveling experience in WoW since Classic; when’s the last time you felt like you were unlocking skills, features, and story instead of just trying to power through to endgame? Maybe some people are looking for a journey.

WoW lives and dies by its endgame, but that’s because everything else is irrelevant.

Meanwhile, I’m currently experiencing the PAST ENDGAMES of other games and having a BLAST, something which would be utterly pointless in WoW because the power-balance is all over the place.
What, you can one shot Ragnaros at level 35 now? It’s just not exciting. It’s not an adventure.

Well to be fair, SWToR has to live on content other than it’s end game because that part of the game isn’t really worth discussing. It has a pretty solid PvP system as well, one that is very rewarding.

True, I wouldn’t know, but I will say that WoW’s PvP has always been stand-out exciting and objective-driven.

Yeah, I play it every now and then. As others have already mentioned, I play it mainly as a solo player experience.

I’m gonna start playing that game again.
I quit when I started getting overwhelmed by all the different worlds and space travel

New expansion? Cautiously hyped, I didn’t really dig anything about the last one (or whichever one I got stuck on). The emperor and his stupid family, that one. If they could just get past that storyline there may yet be hope.

It was at one point my favorite mmo. I still want to like it. Last few times I’ve checked in the game hasn’t been what I’d call playable though.

The Emperor’s New Family.

Is that seriously where they went with the story? Rey Skywalker Palpatine Sith Vader is our savior!

I played it a long while ago. Don’t really remember when. Unfortunately I never got through the entire solo campaign. I think there was a part that was a bit beyond solo play so I either had to grind out a few more levels and get a few better gear pieces or find a group. At the time I played the community was not really super helpful…or present. So I got bored of grinding and slowly, eventually, stopped playing.

At some point I re-downloaded the game and it was kind of cool to see everything with max graphics (new computer!) but I was completely lost as to where I was and what I needed to do. After I found out I screwed up my romance with my Twilek companion (Vett?) that I left the game for good to gather dust.

There are definitely some really fun aspects I love about the game though—hutta ball is one of my favorite PvP games, the good/evil choice conversation wheel, the fact your character can speak, and having a follower who sticks with you for the entire game.

I was pretty happy when WoW gave us followers in WoD…it’s just such a shame they didn’t carry over after the end of the expansion and didn’t really do anything outside of help in combat/at your garrison.

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Honestly, WoD, Legion, and Shadowlands (for me) were amazing leveling experiences. I really, really enjoyed the leveling content in all of them. Had I had the time to get BfA when it launched and actually leveled through that content, I feel like I would have enjoyed that experience as well (based on the YouTube compilation of cut scene cinematics).

Likewise, I leveled a Warlock in classic and a Druid in TBC classic and mostly enjoyed those experiences as well (though for different reasons).

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It was that other emperor though, so his family were characters that I couldn’t even be possibly made to care about. Palpatine’s Family could be a funny watch though.


I’m pretty much only doing my weekly renown/story quests now.

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Tried the beta, though I had a bit of bias since this was the game that finally killed SWG. It was okay, but bottom line, I don’t play Bioware games to deal with other players.