Anyone else play Swtor?

I went back to SWTOR last year to do all the class storylines. I actually finished my last one (consular) recently.

Don’t really have an interest in playing beyond that though.

Tried to, but the lag killed me. I really enjoyed that game, but it seems like they downgraded their servers or something.

And yes, still got the collectors edition statue on my shelf. :wink:

I play it when I run out of weekly stuff to do in WOW. I just went back to the game recently after a long abscence so I am still finishing my Sith Warrior and then my Trooper storylines, then if I find more time to play I will pick a main and continue to the endgame.

Why does this not get flagged but FF14 posts got flagged? Some people are just mad at FF14 I guess.

I played the heck out of it until their servers crashed and they lost a couple of weeks of my progress when I was just one step away from completing a very lengthy quest for an assassination droid (I just had to run one more dungeon and it would have been done). After that, I felt like I just couldn’t trust them anymore. I won’t waste my time with an MMO that can’t guarantee that my progress will persist.

Probably because this post is just asking a simple question instead of bemoaning the death of WoW and how much better some other game is.

It’s not the fact that those posts are about FFVIV that get them flagged. Or at least it wasn’t until the spam of new posts got so bad that people got sick of it.

Yeah, and their argument was ‘this doesn’t belong in GD’.

I’ve tried. I might try again with that next expansion. Mixing different class abilities with other class stories is interesting.

And this one really doesn’t either. But people tend to be more lenient when you aren’t trying to be antagonistic and they haven’t seen the same antagonistic post repeated ad nauseam for more than a week.

I played it the night it launched and until it went F2P. I’ll check in every now and then, now that I know there is a new xpac I might check back in. I actually enjoyed the PVP quite a bit more than wow. Mainly played a juggernaut, although I did enjoy my assassin and sorcerer.

Did, same problem with the combat as FFXIV. Spend was too much time looking at your buff bar and there’s no addons so it can’t be remedied.

Many SWTOR rotations are also needlessly bloated.

Why didnt this post got flagged into oblivion? Its mentioning an other mmo too.

I maintain subs to Swtor and WoW because I raid in both games. I adore swtor and the class stories. For the Republic!

Its far from a perfect game and I’m worried about combat flavor in the next expac. But I am looking forward to trying it out and seeing what Malgus is planning.

I still play when they have no content drops, the next update looks interesting.

It says General Discussion when I look at it.


Stop playing dumb. This forum is listed under the sub heading of “Discuss World of Warcraft”.

We are discussing World of Warcraft…and how many of its players like SWTOR. :yum:

Don’t suppress our speech, maaaaaaaaaaan.

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I’ve tried it throughout the years but it was one of those things I just couldn’t get into. The launch was fine if I recall lots of people playing but as time went on people left and in the end it was just me left. I’ve come back to try it but there is just something about the game that doesn’t suit me.

I enjoyed swg(during the glory days) far more if that helps.

A - I already posted that I play SWToR
B - I was responding to your comment about this being a “general” forum when in fact is a “genera discussion” about WoW and nothing else.

I can’t stand the long corridors in that game. Probably just a me thing cause I’ve tried to level and enjoy that game, perhaps also playing it free didn’t help.